Do we still blame those travelling out of Nigeria at the search of a better life or plead to our government to come at the aid of the masses?


We all voted 🗳️ for a better Nigeria
A better Nigeria with better and sustainable electricity.A better Nigeria with affordable fuel ⛽️ price.A better Nigeria with no more boko Haram as in good security.A better Nigeria with a good and a sound leader.

What did we get in return after the election? The triple price of fuel, high cost of living, the electricity is gone from bad to worst and let’s not talk of dollar rate..


Imagine, no electricity for the past three days. Everyone is running helter-skelter to try keep the phone alive. This picture is a perfect example of how we have been living for the past few days cause how can you take online classes with no light on your phones or systems and how can you do businesses online in such a miserable condition and amidst all not everyone can buy fuel ⛽️ at this absurd price…


The question now is what can the new Nigerian president do to keep this so called african giant, Nigeria back on track or are we to continue going down in this deep hole 🕳️??!.


Despite facing various challenges and adversities, we Nigerians have a remarkable ability to find happiness and contentment in our lives.

We Nigerians have shown incredible resilience in the face of difficult circumstances. we often demonstrate an ability to adapt and make the best of what we have, finding happiness in the little joys of everyday life.

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