A love that was not meant to be

Love is a beautiful thing, a strong feeling that makes us do things we would never think of doing, it kinda makes us fearless when it comes to protecting that person we love.


It is one of the best feelings in the world that everyone needs to feel at least once in their lifetime or else they just missed out on the greatest feeling ever.

Most people who have fallen in love have also experienced heartbreak, unfortunately, the heartache lasts longer than the moment in love.

If you have experienced the greatest feeling on earth, there is a high chance you have also been heartbroken, there are many ways your heart can be shattered into pieces for falling in love.

One of these is a one-sided love, loving someone who doesn't love you or wants you or doesn't see you the same way you see him/her, it could be worse when it becomes a triangle thing, like the person you are in love with is in love with someone you know and you see them together playing lovey-dovey, it can make one be in a depression state because it hurt to see who you love loving someone else.

Another way is the love dies along the way, this happens in many relationships, both love each other in the first 2 to 3 months, then suddenly one of the lovers starts misbehaving and only one of them is putting effort into making things work, it ends when the one trying to rekindle the fire also stop and it hurt because of the good memories that have been created.


My first love was a disaster, it caused me a lot of pain which lasted many years but I never regretted the day I met her, some people ain't just destined to be together.

We met in 2011 and within a few weeks, we started talking which led to us becoming best of friends, One of us caught feelings along the way, being his first time falling in love, he did not realize on time even though the signs were there, he did things he was scared to do.

  • Climbing a mango tree to pluck fruit for her because she wanted it.

  • Gave her his night food to eat and he slept happily without feeling hungry because he was full of her love.

The friendship was great until he asked her out and she rejected him.

For many years, he blamed himself thinking he didn't ask her out the right way but he later realized that he was not at fault at all and no matter how bad you are at asking out a girl, she would accept you if she loves you, she just was not interested in him but she liked him as a friend but he wants more than friendship as the love is making him crazy.

That was the end of the friendship but the heart ache lasted for many years, that is how bad it can be, love last few months while the heartbreak goes for many years.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker, and crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
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