Parent's Choice or mine.

Parenting is by far one of the most tasking jobs on the planet yet it is not without it's benefits. Being able to groom children into responsible adults who are able to hold their own in society, is really amiable and highly rewarding. The rush of happiness felt by parents every time theirr children achieve a milestone is inexplicable.

As good as that sounds, I think I will draw a line when it comes to the career paths of children and whether parents should be allowed to make this decision for the child. I have heard this cliche a lot about parents knowing best but I beg to differ because no human knows it all. We are limited in certain areas and fields of knowledge.

Hence, I am not in support of parents making career decisions for their children. The best to be done is for parents to guide and advice their children on the choices of career paths. I know that choosing for the child might seem like the right course of action but looking at it futuristically, it isn't.

Every child is unique with diverse talents and gifts. A child might be adept in more than one field of knowledge while another child struggles to grasp the basics of a particular field of knowledge. This is a reality. As an experienced teacher, I can attest to the levels of retention in various kids. Choosing for the child is tantamount to limiting the child's future.

Some children only need a little explanation and they are good to go while some children need repeated explanations before they can comprehend what they are being taught. This is also the same in life and career pursuits and that's why my opinion is for parents not to choose career paths for their children.

Real life stories

There are many celebrated individuals in my country who were forced to follow a chosen career path by their parents but they did not find fulfilment in it and these individuals ended up switching to their own career paths later on in life. I have so many names I can mention but let me only say the name of a famous Nigerian musician popularly called falz the bad guy. His story is akin to this as he was asked to study law which he did but he is not practicing law rather he is into music and it is through his music that he has become well known in the country.

  • I also recall how my dad wanted me to become a lawyer while my mum wanted me to become a medical doctor both were good career choices but as I grew up, I realized that I was more science inclined , hence I dropped law. Then later on, due to some unprecedented occurrences, I could not continue with the medical field study and later I opted to be a science teacher with expertise in the field of Biology and so far, I am fulfilled in the chosen field so far.*

I understand that the parents who choose career paths for their children do so with good intentions but having good intentions are not enough especially when it concerns the future of the children. If parents are honest, it will be discovered that the reason they choose career paths for their children is to satisfy their ego and also for the children to live out their unfulfilled dreams. For instance, maybe the father aimed at becoming a lawyer but for circumstances beyond his control, he couldn't and then he chooses Law for his own child as a career choice for that child to study not minding if that child can cope or not. This is outright limitation for the child. A child can become much more successful if and when they follow their dreams and passion.

Finding fulfilment in a chosen career choice is way better than just going at it for monetary gains. This is what will inspire passion and keep one relevant for a long time in their career.

Thank you all for reading. This is my participation to the #octoberinleo initiative for day 21.

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