Who To Save? The Unavailability Of Finance.

The beeping sound of the machine attached to your loved one's body isn't a sight worth seeing. It is one of the worst things life can throw at one.


"In dust we came, and to it, we shall return".

This is our way of life as humans. But the sentence becomes heavy in one's mind when one's child and husband are diagnosed with a terminal disease.

Who wouldn't want to save them both? I believe everyone with a conscience would want to save them both but at what cost? With how the country is... Getting money to save both of them won't be possible as you can only save one person.

But, who are you to determine who lives or dies? Surely, the husband may say;

"Save our child and take care of him/her. He/She deserves to live. They are just growing and have a lot to offer the world".

And the child may also say;

"You began your life journey with Dad and I am sure you have a lot to achieve. I know I will come back again because I love you both. Save Dad and let me go Mum".

And at this point, every sane person will surely lose themselves. The hearts will be shattered and the mind will be left in disarray and it is at the moment you question the universe with the statement;

"Why me and my family?" Asking this question hurts because if it didn't happen to you, it will surely happen to another person.

Life is no joke when health is involved and sadly only a few hospitals will treat both patients and ask them to pay when the money is available.

And sadly, many people have lost their lives to this. It is just like a true-life scenario that happened during the cashless policy in Nigeria where access to money was like searching for platinum during an ancient time when technology wasn't available.

A pregnant woman died with her baby because the doctor said he didn't see the money transferred and it was mainly the bank's fault as they were the "Main citizens" in that period. How sad it must have been for the husband. I don't know what has become of him now. Questions like;

"Did he move on or wallow in self-pity?" Take hold of one's mind.

This is why it is hard to choose between saving one person for the other. It is an option that when taken will hunt one for the rest of their lives. The guilt will eat them up to the root until they leave the world.

When people got into trouble and they narrated how they acted. Many of us claim we could have done this and that instead, but when faced with those troubles, the alphabet ABC will become hard. Forming words will be super impossible. And that's when we realize that...

It is easy to say how we will sort things out if it ever happens but... Actions are all that matter where words reside, is it not?

Therefore, choosing who to save and who not to is something that will be super hard for me. And I am sure that if I don't make any choices soon, I may lose them both and that will be harder.

This is why I have decided to paint the scenario as a rhetorical question in this context. I would prefer it if I never had answers to it.

But to whoever out there who has faced this challenge and had to choose... Words alone can't express my emotions to you right now neither can my actions. I may understand the pain because I am a human, but I can't fully understand the pain behind it. I just have one thing to say…

Whatever decision you make, I want you to know that;

"You are a brave soul. The bravest one out there."

This is my response to Hive Naija's prompt here.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading."

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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