It's was always a wonderful feeling that brings back beautiful memories, wonderful feeling which each time letting go of such becomes difficult but at the same time there were memories that I wish I can can completely erase of my memories.

Growing up in a family of seven handsome and beautiful children which is made up of four girls and three boy whom have now grown into able women and men and accomplished milestones of life experiences. Born to a God fearing parents was a rear privilege I will never want to take for granted while growing and it shaped me to who i have become today and what i have accomplished in life.i was not born of a silver spoon, we had to hustle through thick and thin to make ends meet and that was instilled into me as a child to always cherish every opportunity I had to eat a meal be it breakfast, lunch or dinner.


I was brought up in a Christian way and made to understand that life was precious and doing good matters alot irrespective of the beneficiary,I was raised alongside my siblings to always say thank you to our parents each time we had food on our tables. It built me up to a point that i became conscious of the fact that not every home was privileged to have food to eat and whenever I was done after a meal it was a norm and part of me to say thank you to my parents which was a sign of appreciation to them and i have decided to also inculcate this into my unborn children when the time is right.



Growing up as a child from a home that struggle with lots of life challenges, I had a bitter experience of trekking a very long distance to school and many times I got feverish and took ill due to the stress of having to cover a long distance to school and back home. I have done every thing in my power never to remember such events and working hard so that my children will not go through such bitter experience.


Life has really been a bitter sweet experience and I have learnt from it.The lessons learnt in the process of being tutored till the age of independence and accountability has really improved me has set a standard that when an individual is appreciated for the effort he or she bring to the table. It is of a fact that no matter the impact we make in people's life be it much or little,good or bad, it has a resting place in the memories of those it happens to and this tends to form a serious part of such individual to those around them.


Life is beautiful, life is precious, life is wonderful, life is rough, life is smooth am many more this experience we come across means alot and should be cherish and learnt from.

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