Friendship in every sense of it is one of the most beautiful things nature has offered. It is a harmless gift that premiers on your simple desire and show of friendliness towards whoever is friendly and- without bias ‘friendship’ has made itself so safe that everyone has it niche, clicks and safe circle no matter how rude, intelligent, poor, nice, cruel, dirty, disrespectful, wealthy or great you are. Proven over and again is the fact that friendship lightens up the countenance of its parties, sparks up laughter, expressiveness(such that's never imagined), untold joy and a great sense of relaxation which give rise to comfort and general health improvement. The blessedness is the long discussion that doesn't want to end even when the topic is baseless, and the urge to want to share everything not excluding your day's experiences.

Talking about sharing in friendship, what precedes it is openness. it is one of the cornerstones of a strong friendship. Being open with your friends means sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences honestly. This level of transparency fosters trust and deepens the bond between friends. When you feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable, it allows your friends to understand you better and offer the support you need.

Sharing things, whether they are material possessions, experiences, or emotions, is what beautifies friendship. It shows that you care and are willing to invest in the relationship. Sharing can be as simple as lending an ear when your friend needs to talk, or as significant as being there for them during tough times. It’s these shared moments that create lasting memories and strengthen the connection between friends. In essence, openness and sharing are what make friendships thrive. They transform casual acquaintances into lifelong companions, providing a sense of belonging and support that is invaluable.

The gift of friendship has been maximized by many in different fields and endeavors and many have also trivialized and mismanaged it. Oftentimes the pain lingers as it is not only the detachment that hurts but the openness and vulnerability of the parties involved were unapologetically drowned in the mud.


  1. Snapped with friends
    2 and 3(gift)pencil drawing and coloured by friend.
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