Solo’s weekly picks: Food

This week I selected some food posts from the Hive blockchain, we will see some garlic wings cooked in Malaysia, some desserts cooked in Indonesia, lettuce salad with sauteed veggies in Argentina, a bean soup made in Mexico and some tasty vegetables cooked up in Brazil. Many different being cooked, but all tasty. We have a few for every foodie out there, being a soup, or a dessert or maybe a mix of meals.

Here are five Hive minnows picked this week for their food posts:

2 meals: lettuce salad with tomato and puree, sautéed vegetables and egg - 2 comidas: ensalada de lechuga con tomate & puré, vegetales salteados y huevo by @lachg89


A nice meal was made, with two parts to it there was a salad. And on the other part was mashed potatoes and some more veggies.

[Blog #90] The Giganormous Bombamix | Great post-workout meal by @mrprofessor


It is important to eat a lot after working out, in this case the hive users does just that. They took many tasty vegetables like yellow peppers, mushrooms, lettuce, carrots and some other tasty things and cooked them all up together.

Frijoles charros [Eng-Esp] by @adalathu


Using beans in soup adds a hardy touch to the meal. In this recipe they use Peruvian beans. Along with some cilantro, garlic and onion it looks like quite the nice meal to have for fathers day.

Bomboloni With Chocolater Buttercream Recipe by @aswita


Making a dessert called bomboloni, it is shaped like a burger bun but is filled with butter cream. Using some yeast, milk, butter and a few other ingredients they make a tasty dessert.

FOODlog #732: Soy & Garlic Wings by @danielwong


Taking some chicken and cooking it up with a nice char to it. They also add another meal as well cooked by their mom. Looks like a bunch of tasty food for everyone.

Seeing all this tasty food makes me want to go into the kitchen and make something good. Many great ideas out there being posted on the Hive blockchain and looking forward to curating more interesting posts in the future.

Thats my five picks for this week, come back next week to see Solo's next weekly picks. I curate posts every Tuesday and do this through MSP. Thanks so much to the Minnow Support Group for giving me the opportunity to serve as a curator!

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