FOODlog #732: Soy & Garlic Wings

Cooked some garlic soy chicken wings for my family. I'm trying to start a Facebook page that's food related and I'm now in the midst of gathering content and editing videos together with some friends. We already have a page that has 20k+ followers so all we need to do is create video content and post it up.


For the wings I wanted a Korean-ish inspired flavor so after cleaning them, I marinated them for 20 minutes at room temperature with soy sauce, oyster sauce, minced garlic, sesame oil, brown sugar, and some salt and white pepper. You could also leave it to marinate overnight but if you didn't prepare beforehand, 20 minutes in room temperature or an hour in the fridge will be good enough.


Next I pan sear them on a grill marked non stick frying pan to get a nice char. I char them for about 2 minutes on each side then I add in the marination together with some water and let them cook, flipping from time to time for about another 10 minutes. This is so it cooks all the way through and the sauce reduces into a sticky sauce.


The wings were nicely cooked through and tender and the sauces coated the wings beautifully giving it a nice sticky and sweet glaze.


My mum also cooked 2 other dishes which were some steamed fishes with soy, garlic and ginger gravy and also a vegetable dish of stir fried spinach with some mince meat.



Simple but delicious home-cook meal for the family

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