Minnowsupport: Weekly Picks for Saturday, 1/20/2024

It is a privilege to curate for #MSP-Curation every Saturday as a part of the @Minnowsupport initiative. "Peace, Abundance, Liberty" is the motto of PAL, which supports all Hive users, but notably the minnows.

And every Friday and Saturday, I get to pick from articles particularly submitted to us by minnows for consideration in answering the Ladies of Hive weekly prompt by the moderators.

And what a wonderful opportunity to pick five articles from Ladies of Hive, which is my main focus!

This week, the ladies had a pick of questions to answer:
1️⃣ Any major changes planned for in 2024, or continuing as in the past?
2️⃣ Direction of life, what would you like to see altered going into this year?
3️⃣ Discriptive best day in your life so far — childhood, holiday, wedding, children, any day you feel made you the happiest.


This year I want to add life projects, set goals that will help me grow both individually and professionally, and share more time with my family and friends. I want to learn English, I feel that it opens the field to many work and social opportunities. I also want to improve aspects of my house, as the environment where I am mostly, including the inconvenience that my roof leaks and I hope to quickly find a solution to it and not only the roof I want to fix, in the same way, I want to give another look to the house, transform its appearance a little bit. Likewise, I want to learn more about cryptocurrencies and Hive, so I can manage better in cryptocurrencies and, of course, make better content.



I’m not one who likes being stagnant. Everyday, I evolve in my quest to be better version of myself. Last year I made a lot of changes in my life which I’m glad I did and this year I have a list of changes I want to see in my life. So, let’s have them.
Putting myself first. Most people find themselves living their lives for others and by the time the realize it would have been too late. Last year, one of my goals was to put myself first because everyone else would put himself first. There was a time in my life when I realized I wasn’t doing much for myself but I was rather going all out for people who wouldn’t do same for me. I had so many bad experiences which led me to promise myself that I would always come first for myself no matter what. This year, the goal is to put myself first in all I do.


The following are the changes I need in my family.

  • My children comprehension is very poor
    We came back to village now, and you know how village education is, but I don't want to allowed that mindset we are in the village to l Ruin my children future, that is why I most make change is ,2024 my look for lesson teacher especially those corper which can deliver, I believe it will go along way in their studies.
  • I want to be a mother that children will emulate not only children but to my fellow woman's.
    A mother that will give her best in bringing the children up i.e raising them in the way of God so that they can cose change in the society, because the havoc youth are courses is something else, and mostly becouse of our neglected behavior, which has become our popular saying: we don't have time, I want to change that this year, money is not every thing, raising Godly children that can corse change by bringing peace to our society is what I want as a mother.



I am one of those who think that happiness can be found in things as simple as a sincere hug, the smile of a loved one, tasting a delicious coffee, the thing is to be ready to enjoy these small details; Until recently, for me every day was the same, until I had the experience of living the happiest day of my life, exactly this happened 2 months and 29 days ago, on October 19, 2.023, when my little Karlos Daniels, my first born, was born.
This day besides being the happiest day of my life, definitely changed my life completely, my priorities changed, I am no longer me in first place, that place is occupied by my son, I no longer care so much about taking care of my physical appearance, now I understand that there are more important things than looking good, such as cultivating love and being a good person; With motherhood I also learned to be a good daughter, I recognize that before I was a little rude to my mother, something that improved, because now I understand that the corrections she made me, were for my own good.
Since I became a mother, I have learned to give value to my family, to be more loving, it is not that I did not love them before, but that I did not feel the need to show them my affection, today I understand that these signs of love are needed and I want my son to feel loved by his family every day of his life.



I think improving education this year is so important, because it can help to shape the future for the better. The previous years, I won't say i wasn't doing well but I will really like to improve on my grades, read more books and take more of online courses. I'll also learn new skills and acquire knowledge in my free time.
And also improving my lifestyle and personal progress can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. And these are really great goals to have for the year. I will like to take a class or learning a new skill, or setting some personal goals and tracking your progress. I will take time to excercise regularly, eat more healthy foods and do less things to reduce stress.


Each of these articles have been upvoted by @minnowsupport.
Thank you @minnowsupport for this tremendous initiative and for your support!


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