Es importante escuchar a nuestro cuerpo..

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It is important to listen to our body

Greetings community I hope you are very well, a little more than two months ago, a few days before my 38th birthday, I had a strong pain in my left breast, so I could not stand it anymore and went to the doctor, when she checked me and did an echo, she immediately told me that I had to have an operation because what I had there was something big, she also told me not to worry that I did not have to be alarmed, just take care of me in time.


The truth is that I was worried about my health, I had a swollen breast, and still sent me to operate, talking to my gynecologist told me that I should see a mastologist because they are the ones who know whether to operate or not.

I went to my consultation, and when he palpated it, he told me that it looked like a water cyst, that I should not worry, and he sent me for a mammogram, to determine more accurately what it is and to send the appropriate treatment. On February 28th, at a meeting organized by the anti-cancer society, I underwent a study that included a mammogram and an ultrasound, it took approximately 15 days for the results to arrive because they were sent to Caracas.


That day I met several women with similar ailments to mine and others with other conditions, when it was my turn for the mammogram, with all the things they had told me I thought it was going to hurt and the only uncomfortable thing apart from taking off my blouse, for obvious reasons, was trying to position myself correctly so that my breasts would fit in those plates 😅.

Well, when I got the results, I waited for the doctor who had seen me and sent me to do the studies to have a consultation in my town, since he comes from Puerto La Cruz, the day arrived and on April 12 was my consultation, although the doctor had already told me that I should not worry, I had a few weeks with pain and a little swollen.

the doctor came in very serious but in the office he was a little more receptive, and even joked about my age,
I showed him the exams, told him how I felt, he palpated them again and gave me the final diagnosis.


He told me that the mammogram and breast ultrasound were normal, that the inflammation is from a nodule, fibroadenoma, that it is nothing to worry about and he sent me treatment for three months that includes diclofenac and a cream called progestogel, which is not available here in my area. I left that office feeling very good and grateful for the diagnosis I received.

But I took a weight off my shoulders, I don't have to have surgery, because it decreases by itself, I am surprised that they immediately send a person to have surgery without ruling out what it could be, or to have all the necessary studies done.

From this I learned that I should check annually, to see how my breast tissues are, and well, from the age of 35 onwards it is necessary to have a mammogram. To have a little calm and go to the right specialist. Not to be filled with fear and to look for solutions to the situation that arises.


I lasted about three months, between consultations because I had to collect the money to be able to attend and between help and the blog I was able to complete the process.

Today I write this post, to give an end to this part of the story, I still have to complete the treatment and well it will be next year that I will have a checkup.

Always go to the doctor when you feel something strange.

Thank you very much to all those who supported me... Thank you 🤍

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Saludos comunidad espero esten muy bien, hace poco mas de dos meses, unos dias antes de mi cumpleaños 38, tenia un fuerte dolor en mi seno izquierdo, por lo que ya no aguante mas y fui al medico, esta al revisarme y hacerme un eco, inmediatamente me dijo que había que operarme que lo que tenia allí era algo grande, tambien me dijo que no me preocupara que no tenia que alarmarme solo atenderme a tiempo.


La verdad es que me preocupe por mi salud, yo tenia el seno inflamado, y aun asi me mando a operar, conversando con mi ginecologa me dijo que debía verme un mastologo porque ellos son los que saben si se debe operar o no..

Asistí a mi consulta, y este al palpar me dijo que parecía un quiste de agua, que no me preocupara, y me mando a realizar mamografía, para determinar con mas exactitud que es y mandar el tratamiento oportuno. En una jornada que hizo la sociedad anticancerosa el 28 de febrero me realice mi estudio que incluía mamografía y eco, tardo aproximadamente 15 días en llegar los resultados porque lo envían a Caracas.


Ese dia conoci a varias mujeres que estaban con dolencias parecidas a las mías y otras con otras condiciones, cuando me toco mi turno de la mamografía, con todas las cosas que me habían contando pensé que me iba a doler y lo unico incomodo a parte de quitarme la blusa, por razones obvias, fue tratar de colocarme correctamente para que mis senos entraran en esas placas 😅

Bueno al obtener los resultados, espero que el dr que me había visto y mandado a realizar los estudios tuviera consulta en mi localidad, ya que el viene de puerto la cruz, el dia llego y el 12 de abril fue mi consulta, aunque ya el dr me había dicho que no debía preocuparme, tenia unas semanas con dolor y un poco inflamado.

El dr. entro muy serio pero en el consultorio fue un poquito mas receptivo, y hasta bromeo con mi edad,
le enseñe los exámenes, le comente como lo sentía, los palpo nuevamente y me dio el diagnóstico final.


Me dijo que la mamografía y eco mamario salieron normales, que esa inflamación es de un nódulo, fibroadenoma, que no es para preocuparse y me mando tratamiento por tres meses que incluye diclofenac y una crema que se llama progestogel que aqui en mi localidad no hay.. Salí contenta de ese consultorio me sentí muy bien y agradecida con el diagnostico recibido.

Pero me quito un peso de encima, no tengo que operarme, porque eso disminuye solo, a mi me sorprende que enseguida mandan a operar a una persona sin, hacer descarte de que puede ser, o mandar hacer todos los estudios necesarios.

De esto aprendí, que debo checar anualmente, para ver como estan los tejidos de mis senos y bueno a partir de los 35 es necesario realizarse la mamografía. A tener un poco de calma e ir con el especialista indicado, no llenarse de miedo e ir buscando las soluciones a la situación que se presenta.


Dure alrededor de tres meses, entre consulta porque aparte el dinero para poder asistir tenia que recolectarlo y entre ayuda y el blog pude ir completando..

Hoy escribo este post, para darle un termino a esta parte de la historia, aun me falta cumplir el tratamiento y bueno ya sera el proximo año que me realizare un chequeo.

Siempre asistan al medico cuando se sientan algo extraño.

Muchas gracias a todos los que me apoyaron.. Gracias 🤍

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