1.American Civilians and Japanese Overlords!

Prior to Gov. Kotek's election Sam Bankman-Fried was stealing furiously from the rubes that invested in the cryptocurrency fraud scheme he ran. He used ~$100M of that money to bribe politicians, by donating it to their campaigns, including Tina Kotek. In addition to that large quantity of stolen money, the drug dealers that ran La Mota, a retail cannabis chain with dozens of stores across Oregon and the United States, provided stacks of cash to Tina Kotek's campaign at drug fueled orgies attended by criminals and government officials. This isn't a euphemism, but an accurate description of the method and quantities of funds La Mota's owners provided Gov. Kotek.

The government of Oregon represents thieves and drug dealers well, and is utterly unsuitable to a government of honest, hard-working people that build productive communities and raise families. Gov. Kotek exemplifies the criminality and predatory nature of the government of Oregon, and I wouldn't piss on her if she was afire. I most certainly did not aid and abet the criminals that foisted her on hapless Oregonians as our state Crimelord, and oppose every political initiative and act she, and her criminal enterprise known as the State of Oregon, have committed since her accession to office.

Kate Brown infamously wrought havoc and destruction on Oregon during her tenure, particularly against it's children, destroying it's schools.

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Her successor, Tina Kotek, has worsened every evil wrought by Brown.


Oregon is a good example of the savage destruction and descent into barbarity corrupt criminals attaining to political power can wreak on good people. Oregon's mail in elections very likely enable election fraud to subject it's people to such criminal leadership of government, as even the deranged leftists in Portland and Salem are alarmed by the blatant fraud and destruction of society Brown and Kotek have caused. Instead of education in a curriculum enabling children to create and staff profitable business enterprises, students are taught to enjoy life on the streets, homeless, shiftless, and hopeless, addicted to heroin, cocaine, fentanyl, and xylazine, with no skills or assets other than begging, theft, or prostitution to live on.


I am surprised that these foul people haven't recruited hordes of barbarian savages to burn down the cities and slaughter the people for their land and wealth - oh wait, they did do that! The few stalwart Americans that have managed to overcome election fraud to gain office in our state legislature are continually facing lawfare and corrupt courts being wielded against them in their attempts to relieve the burden on the people of Oregon of being preyed on by thieves and fraudulent criminals that have seized state government. Only the unwillingness of state police to follow the illegal orders of the Governor prevented open warfare between the government of Oregon and it's people a few years ago, when a state senator frankly explained that should the state police follow the Governor's order to arrest him they had better send bachelors and ensure they were heavily armed, because he was and would not permit them to take him prisoner while he lived.

Had the state police attempted to arrest him and a firefight erupted, the people of Oregon would have attacked the State Capitol in Salem, as hundreds of them had prepared to do by assembling in Salem with heavy equipment and personal arms sufficient to the task. Given the ever-worsening corruption and destruction the government has continued to commit against the good people of Oregon, I sometimes wonder if the cowardice of the craven state police leadership only let things get worse, and that Oregon would be better off had such violence been resolved at the time by force of arms.

I hope that makes my stance on Gov. Kotek clear.


I met the three most impressive men!

I'm always shocked when I read @valued-customer's articles!😲
@valued-customer always seems to criticize America's overlords!

East Asians like me think of America's president and governors as America's overlords!
However, @valued-customer considers the president and governors of the United States to be employees of civilians!

Me and @valued-customer live in separate worlds separated by the Pacific Ocean.
I wonder how @valued-customer would be shocked if he came to the world I live in!😅

Image 1.png



Japanese overlords

How would @valued-customer feel if he knew I was living as a servant to overlords?🤣

1.Background of the birth of Japanese science!

I can understand why Japan's overlords were horrified 150 years ago after meeting @valued-customer, a civilian from the New World!
Japan's overlords were convinced that @valued-customer would usurp their wealth and power!

They believed that since coexistence with @valued-customer was impossible, he must be defeated!



In order to wage a future war with @valued-customer, they first sent many spies to the North American continent to conduct reconnaissance.
They were shocked by the infinite resources, food, and territory of the North American continent! 😲


19th century Japanese noblewoman and her servants

Japan was very poor compared to the United States. This fact brought great concern and fear to Japan's overlords! 😟

Japanese overlords began to take interest in the Europeans, the ancestors of Americans.


British lower class children

도로 사진 Leaders of the Iwakura Mission photographed in London in 1872. L-R: Kido Takayoshi, Yamaguchi Masuka, Iwakura Tomomi, Itō Hirobumi, Ōkubo Toshimichi

The Iwakura Mission or Iwakura Embassy (岩倉使節団, Iwakura Shisetsudan) was a Japanese diplomatic voyage to the United States and Europe conducted between 1871 and 1873 by leading statesmen and scholars of the Meiji period. It was not the only such mission, but it is the most well-known and possibly most significant in terms of its impact on the modernization of Japan after a long period of isolation from the West. The mission was first proposed by the influential Dutch missionary and engineer Guido Verbeck, based to some degree on the model of the Grand Embassy of Peter I.

The aim of the mission was threefold; to gain recognition[1] for the newly reinstated imperial dynasty under the Emperor Meiji; to begin preliminary renegotiation of the unequal treaties with the dominant world powers; and to make a comprehensive study of modern industrial, political, military and educational systems and structures in the United States and Europe.[2]

The Iwakura Mission followed several such missions previously sent by the Shogunate, such as the Japanese Embassy to the United States in 1860, the First Japanese Embassy to Europe in 1862, and the Second Japanese Embassy to Europe in 1863.

The Japanese overlords dispatched The Iwakura Mission to Europe to observe the overlords and countries of Europe.

도로 사진 The British Bee Hive by George Cruikshank – British Library Creative Commons License

The Victorian era, like any other ancient time, had a peculiar class system that divided the social setting. It was based on power, riches, working and living conditions. Society was divided into Upper Class, Middle Class, and Lower Class, also known as the Working Class.

People belonging to the royal family, aristocrats, nobles, business owners, and wealthy families working in the royal courts were classed into the Upper Class. They were in powerful positions, had the utmost authority, had lavish lifestyles and enjoyed exceptional facilities.

Whereas, the middle class included either owned or managed business empires or the merchants. They were classified by earned wealth and not inherited wealth and lived a pretty sound life as well.

Lastly, the working class resided at the lowest level of the hierarchy. They were mainly labored workers who lacked money and hence, had a poor way of living.

The class system was also classified based on the clothes they wore. The Victorian era fashion trend during the Victorian Era was the expression of the estate one belonged. The elaborate pieces were worn by the women belonging to the upper class, middle class women wore modest dresses, and the women belonging to lower class wore what they could afford.

They were very happy to see the Class System in Victorian England. This is because the Class System in Victorian England was similar to the Japanese Class System.
They felt that by forming an alliance with Great Britain they could keep @valued-customer in the New World in check!

They felt @valued-customer disrespected the Queen of Great Britain!😆
Even in my view, Queen Victoria was not a very beautiful woman!🤣

도로 사진 Origin of the Flag of Germany: Cheering revolutionaries in Berlin, on 19 March 1848

The German revolutions of 1848–1849 (German: Deutsche Revolution 1848/1849), the opening phase of which was also called the March Revolution (German: Märzrevolution), were initially part of the Revolutions of 1848 that broke out in many European countries. They were a series of loosely coordinated protests and rebellions in the states of the German Confederation, including the Austrian Empire. The revolutions, which stressed pan-Germanism, demonstrated popular discontent with the traditional, largely autocratic political structure of the thirty-nine independent states of the Confederation that inherited the German territory of the former Holy Roman Empire after its dismantlement as a result of the Napoleonic Wars. This process began in the mid-1840s.

The middle-class elements were committed to liberal principles, while the working class sought radical improvements to their working and living conditions. As the middle class and working class components of the Revolution split, the conservative aristocracy defeated it. Liberals were forced into exile to escape political persecution, where they became known as Forty-Eighters. Many emigrated to the United States, settling from Wisconsin to Texas.

The German revolutions of 1848–1849 (German: Deutsche Revolution 1848/1849) became the greatest prototype for the birth of Japanese empire in the 19th century.

Japanese overlords understood The German revolutions of 1848–1849 as a great historical event in which European overlords defeated the European @valued-customer!😲
Japan's overlords were confident that they could emulate the German revolutions of 1848–1849 and defeat the @valued-customer of the New World!

Japanese overlords were amazed at the ability of their European overlords to make European @valued-customers their servants.

The Japanese overlords imagined that by allying with their European overlords, they could defeat @valued-customer in the New World!


Japanese female overlord

@valued-customer's beloved Japanese overlords have come to this awesome conclusion!🤣
The Japanese overlords were convinced that the civilians of the New World @valued-customer were their most dangerous enemies!

@valued-customer will soon conquer Japan!

@valued-customer will deny the power and sanctity of the overlords!

@valued-customer will destroy the power and wealth of Japan's overlords!

도로 사진 Bismarck in 1890

Otto, Prince of Bismarck, Count of Bismarck-Schönhausen, Duke of Lauenburg (German: Otto, Fürst von Bismarck, Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen, Herzog zu Lauenburg, pronounced [ˈɔtoː fɔn ˈbɪsmaʁk] ⓘ; 1 April 1815 – 30 July 1898; born Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck) was a Prussian and later German statesman and diplomat.

From his origins in the upper class of Junker landowners, Bismarck rose rapidly in Prussian politics, and from 1862 to 1890 he was the minister president and foreign minister of Prussia. Before that, he was the Prussian ambassador to Russia and France and served in both houses of the Prussian parliament. He masterminded the unification of Germany in 1871 and served as the first chancellor of the German Empire until 1890, in which capacity he dominated European affairs. He had served as chancellor of the North German Confederation from 1867 to 1871, alongside his responsibilities in the Kingdom of Prussia. He worked with King Wilhelm I of Prussia to unify the various German states. The king granted Bismarck the titles of Count of Bismarck-Schönhausen in 1865 and Prince of Bismarck in 1871. Bismarck provoked three short, decisive wars against Denmark, Austria, and France. Following the defeat of Austria, he replaced the German Confederation with the North German Confederation, aligning the smaller North German states with Prussia, but excluding Austria. Receiving the support of the independent South German states in Prussia's defeat of France, he formed the German Empire – which also excluded Austria – and united Germany. With Prussian dominance accomplished by 1871, Bismarck used balance of power diplomacy to maintain Germany's position in a peaceful Europe. However, the annexation of Alsace–Lorraine caused French revanchism and Germanophobia. Bismarck's Realpolitik and powerful rule at home led to him being called the Iron Chancellor. Juggling a very complex interlocking series of conferences, negotiations and alliances, he used his diplomatic skills to maintain Germany's position. Bismarck disliked colonialism because he thought it would consume German resources rather than reaping the benefit of it but reluctantly built an overseas empire when it was demanded by both elite and mass opinion.

As part of his domestic political maneuvering, Bismarck created the first welfare state in the modern world, with the goal of undermining his socialist opponents. In the 1870s, he allied himself with the low-tariff, anti-Catholic Liberals and fought the Catholic Church in what was called the Kulturkampf ("culture struggle"). This failed, as the Catholics responded by forming the powerful German Centre Party and using universal male suffrage to gain a bloc of seats. Bismarck responded by ending the Kulturkampf, breaking with the Liberals, and forming a political alliance with the Centre Party to fight the Socialists. He was loyal to his ruler, German Emperor Wilhelm I, who argued with Bismarck but supported him against the advice of Wilhelm's wife and son. While the Imperial Reichstag was elected by universal male suffrage, it did not have control of government policy. Bismarck distrusted democracy and ruled through a strong, well-trained bureaucracy with power in the hands of a traditional Junker elite. In 1888, which came to be known as the Year of the Three Emperors, the German throne passed from Wilhelm I to Friedrich III to Wilhelm II. The new emperor dismissed Bismarck from office two years later, and Bismarck retired to write his memoirs.

Bismarck is best remembered for his role in German unification. As head of Prussia and later Germany, Bismarck possessed not only a long-term national and international vision but also the short-term ability to juggle complex developments. As a result, he became a hero to German nationalists, who built many monuments honouring him. Historians praise him as a visionary who was instrumental in uniting Germany and kept the peace in Europe through adroit diplomacy. He has been criticized for his domestic policies such as Catholic persecution and the centralization of executive power, which some describe as Caesarist. Furthermore, he has been criticized by opponents of German nationalism, as nationalism became engrained in German culture, galvanizing the country to aggressively pursue nationalistic policies in both World Wars.

Otto von Bismarck's career and achievements had enormous influence on Japan's overlords!

Japanese overlords compared Napoleon and Bismarck!
They said that Napoleon's empire collapsed, but Bismarck built the German Empire!

They analyzed why Bismarck was successful!

See also: (Germany) State Socialism
Bismarck viewed the growing international socialist movement and the non-violent German Social Democratic Party (SDP), in particular, with alarm. Since the SDP's existence was protected by the terms of the German constitution, Bismarck found ways to weaken it, short of an outright ban. In 1878, he instituted the first of a series of repressive Anti-Socialist Laws forbidding socialist organizations and meetings, outlawing trade unions, closing newspapers, and banning the circulation of socialist literature. The SPD continued to take part in the elections, but police officers were now empowered to stop, search, and arrest SDP members and their leaders, numbers of whom were then tried by police courts (one way socialists used to get around these harsh measures was to run as independent candidates, unaffiliated with any party). Despite, or possibly because of the laws, the SDP steadily gained supporters and seats in the Reichstag.

During the 1880s, Bismarck also tried to win the allegiance of working classes to the conservative regime by implementing positive social benefits, such as accident and old-age insurance, as well as pioneering a form of socialized medicine – reforms which are now grouped under the label State Socialism. Bismarck himself called it that, in addition to referring to them as "practical Christianity":

The whole problem is rooted in the question: does the state have the responsibility to care for its helpless fellow citizens, or does it not? I maintain that it does have this duty, and to be sure, not simply the Christian state, as I once permitted myself to allude to with the words "practical Christianity", but rather every state by its very nature. . . . There are objectives that only the state in its totality can fulfill. [ . . . ] Among the last mentioned objectives [of the state] belong national defense [and] the general system of transportation. [ . . . ] To these belong also the help of persons in distress and the prevention of such justified complaints as in fact provide excellent material for exploitation by the Social Democrats. That is the responsibility of the state from which the state will not be able to withdraw in the long run. Bismarck's Reichstag Speech on the Law for Workmen's Compensation", p. 4 (March 15, 1884)

They concluded that the reason for Bismarck's success was Socialism!
Bismarck created the world's first social welfare, pension, and health insurance for the German working class.
Bismarck's socialist policies turned Germany's working class into loyal servants of their German overlords.

Japan's overlords wanted to emulate Bismarck's achievements and make the Japanese people their loyal servants.
So, Japan was able to become a socialist country by imitating the German Empire!

The Japanese overlords believed that they could defeat the @valued-customer of the New World by emulating the achievements of their European overlords.



도로 사진 Mr Xi called Mr Gates a "friend"

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도로 사진 Otto von Bismarck German Chancellor 1862-1890

Germany became the first nation in the world to adopt an old-age social insurance program in 1889, designed by Germany's Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck. The idea was first put forward, at Bismarck's behest, in 1881 by Germany's Emperor, William the First, in a ground-breaking letter to the German Parliament. William wrote: ". . .those who are disabled from work by age and invalidity have a well-grounded claim to care from the state."

Disclaimer: I hope my respected seniors, Steve and @valued-customer, can understand my awkward and rude American elementary school student's English!

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