Finally I'm arrived here!! My introduction

Hello Everyone!!


Believe me, I don't understand how to start this article because this is my first article on this site and I'm very excited. I hope you don't get bored reading my intro at all. I promise, I just take your 3 to 4 mints only.

Myself Faiza Rasheed, 21 years old, an ordinary girl whose dream is to become a good writer (I don't know if I will be able to become a good writer or not but hmm I try my best). I'm Muslim and I belong to a middle class family of Pakistan. I'm a student of Masters and study plants. I've a very close relationship with plants that's why I select botany course. Sometimes I try to listen the plants with my closed eyes. Ohh you must be thinking I'm crazy right? The fact is I just spend more time with plants than with humans. So, you can call me crazy. I'm an introvert. There are some friends in my life with whom I spend time. But I rarely share my secrets. I don't trust people very much because somewhere people break faith (No, I'm not talking about everyone, I'm just talking about my life experience). I definitely a foodie but I don't overeating at all. I'm not a good photographer but I capture Memories very well. Can I share some pictures that I capture?? I think yes Huhu




How did I found out about this site?

No one told me about it. My passion was to find a platform where I could write my thoughts like an open diary. I searched sites for articles from Google and there I found HIVE. But my experience of creating an account here was not good. Because whenever I tried to create my account,the service just didn't work. Finally I created my account today and see I write my intro here. Woohoo.

My future goals:

I want to be an exceptional botanist. I want to be a good writer as I have already told you above. And I will try not to disappoint you with my articles in future. Also I have some goals that I want to fulfill. I hope I will succeed one day, Insha'Allah.

Closing thoughts:

This was my little intro. I hope you will support me in this journey. Some of my goals are related to your appreciation. I need appreciation on my every article guys.
I have heard that even if the work of someone is not so good we should be commended for his/her hard work instead of discouraging him. So that he/she can do better next time.

Thank you folks, to give your most precious time to my article.

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