The weight of your own THOUGHTS

Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

A human brain has the capability to think a million thoughts a day. It has the capacity to analyze and examine everything that its senses provide and deliver. In a snap of a second, one of those thoughts can ruin the mood of the day. One of those thoughts can destroy trust and may lead to betrayal in thoughts or in actions. Every single thought, once given power outside the mind, will always have an effect on reality. These thoughts may be fueled by outside noise—peer stories—or by being bombarded with situations that lead to confused feelings.

Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

One may be confused and troubled in his thoughts because of his emotions. One can be significantly put into an imbalance of thoughts and actions because of the unpredicted occurrences in his surroundings. Its capability to adapt is challenged by what he believes is right and what he feels is right. Man is then caught in a predicament about whether that certain gut feeling he is currently holding can be validated or just a mere misconception of the situation. Thus, given the psychological burden and doubt he is carrying, man is quite hesitant to move and interact so as not to bring out that ugly monster hiding beneath its pretty face.
Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

Keep always in mind that even if there are times that everything seems so cloudy and blurry, or even if you may not be someone’s priority, matter, or given importance, remember that there is a certain someone who needs you, someone who can feel your love language, and someone who can be loved unconditionally. It is already a part of life that when blankets of human uncertainties envelop us, our rational side will no longer be as effective because of the heavy feeling with which we are dealing. However, no matter how small you think you are—perhaps smaller than a mustard seed? Don’t worry, there will always be someone out there who considers you their world.

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