Free Hugs To Heal


Image by cely_ from Pixabay

Sometimes our pain make our heart heavy and we miss to have some unconditional love with cuddling or hugs to heal the heart loaded with pain. I love cuddling my pillow sometimes kids and cats I meet somewhere. Last time I had a long hug with my beloved niece who is five years now. It was almost three months ago.

Nothing can heal me like the hug of my mom healed me. She passed away in 2015 at her early age. I think I've mentioned this thousand times in my several blogs. I miss her to give me that magical hugs that never can be found.

Many times ago I read a news about free hugs offer in a foreign country where people hugs to each other and I found this really funny. Does every hugs can heal? I only allow cuddling kids, cats, kitties, puppis and girls with adorable appearance. I don’t allow hug from random people for sure. Maybe I'm not that kind but I can't change being me. Hugs are free for adorable kids, pets and other cute animals, it also free for people we really love and feel safe on their chest.

Hugging helps relieving stress. Sometimes hugging a pillow and crying also can help to feel better. Hugging with our most favorite person is always a matter of great pleasure. Hugs are free for infants and pet animals as they are the safest for hugging.

Pillow hugging also works for me as I can sleep well with it. I feel good when have free hugs from little babies and also from cats. I miss the hug of my per pet cat who is no more too. Badly miss mom's hug and my pet cat's hug. Hugs or cuddling doesn’t cost money but can be a reason of healing.

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