Think different for a Sensible Life

What's Good Hivers!



visual image created by @sensiblecast

This posts is dedicated in remembering Steve Jobs..


Here's what I know

From 1997 to 2002, The company Apple made and used the Think different ad campaign and slogan, inspiring us and telling us that we are more than what we are. Which I completely agree.

I refuse to believe that we are just some ape evolution, some flesh meat that would be born to this reality, study as a child, go to college, get a job, make a family, create a child and repeat.

I believe humanity's potential goes way beyond that. Especially knowing that in today's world we are living in, we are being put down or look down to, feeding us all the negativities, all the hate, fear, discrimination, fake news, where dumbness is being tolerated, suppression of our voice, true knowledge, feeding us lies, capitalism, consumerism and the list goes on.. Makes me completely believe there is more to life than the norms.

As soon as I've personally realized all this negative things, made me aware that there is another side of all this, a better version where each and every individual are well provided and compensated, that we are made up to our full potential, and in that world, we are all progressive, we are all humans, we are all equal. we are as one.

Maybe then, just maybe, racism, discrimination, vanity, consumerism, poverty, hate, crimes, war, etc. is nothing but some petty old world problems that have been already addressed and made solution to, and we more worried about bigger and much important things as one race.

We are all made out of star dust in this universe, A life force that made of destruction and creation and so as spec of space particles, we are also bound to CREATE.

I hope this made, even if just a little, I would still hope that any individual who's reading this can take this as an inspiration to do more and go beyond your limitations, Our personal mind is our own limitation. Remember every single technology that we are using andd experiencing are all created from the mind, and manifested to reality through works, and with this, I am telling you that you can do too. Be inspired, Be creative, get crazy creative!


If you want to see the Apple's 1997 Ad campaign video, check out the video below.


"Live the life you Love, Love the Life you Live" - Bob Marley

Cheers! 🍻

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