Last Day Blues - Sad to be leaving Jamaica

Hail to the Hive!

Well, three months gone in what seems a blink of the eye. It hasn’t been a hugely eventful 3 months but it has been satisfying. There were several reasons for coming all this way for such a long time. Primarily so @millycf1976 could reconnect with family as it had been way way too long since we were here last. Escaping the horrible wintery yuckiness of the UK for 3 months was a big plus also. Spending our 14th wedding anniversary seafront style was a welcome bonus as I do love to slend time seafront ( but not really on a beach ughhhh sand ughhh).


But sadly it is time to go. I spent this morning sitting drinking Jamaican High Mountain Coffee and feeling a little bittersweet. It would have been nice to see a few more old friends and maybe do a few other things while we were here but I wasn’t feeling that energy on this trip. It almost feels like I’m saying farewell to the island. Will I ever return? I honestly don’t know but with so many other plans and places looming in my immediate and long term future, and considering it had been 9 years since we were last here, I don’t see me coming back anytime soon.

One last flight of the drone to take in the surroundings and just generally drone meditate ( which is what it is).



Some last cold beverages because…….well why the hell not.


Pack my bags. Sort out all the last minute stuff, check tickets, passports etc.


A sizeable amount of my weight allowance is coffee. Oh yeah. Some for gifts and some for us. Jamaican Blue Mountain is so good, how could we not?


More beers.

Tomorrow it’s time to go.

I can’t exactly put my finger on the emotions I’m feeling but Inthink as I said before it feels like I’m really saying a final farewell to the place. Feels like a chapter closing for reasons I can’t quite get to grips with.


And younger Milly is on the wall keeping an eye on me too. Probably making sure I don’t forget anything.always watching!

Ah well more beer and focus on the future. Can’t change the past.




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