Being a good listener is my own way of thoughtfulness

Over the years l do not talked when it's not time to, l have seen cases where people rush to make statement, but l believed that people should talked one after another for a better understanding.

ln a situation whereby we rush to make a speech, maybe ln an argument, the truth is that no better conclusion will be drawn because when two or more people are talking at the same time, lt will cause nothing than confusion.

Speaking of myself, no matter if l am ln an argument, l do not rush to say a word, l let others speak their minds before I will go on and make my own speech.

Two weeks past, ln where l stay, as l was coming back from seeing a friend, l met two childrens quarrelling and the other one was saying that he took his balloon from her, l could not stand her complaints, because lt broke my heart and l have to make sure that l settle whatever was their issue.

lt happened that their parents were not around and lt was a girl of sixteen years old who the parents asked to looked after them.

l noticed she could not settled the issues because she was taken side ln what happened, lt was noted that the boy likes getting something that isn't his own from the sister, but on this particular day lt wasn't the same situation as it always was.

Now the girl who the parents asked to look after them didn't want to listened first before she judge the situation, she was assuming that lt was the boy's fault since he is fond of getting things from her sister, but because l didn't just takes side l was able to ldentlfy where the fault was coming from.

Yet, even while I knew lt, l told the boy not to be getting what belongs to her sister if not he will not be my friend, I collected the balloon and give to her sister and told her to stop crying.

Honestly, I was liking the excitement on her face, also, l went out to buy two balloons for them, with the statement that they should share their property sometimes because they are siblings, mostly l was referring to the boy because he was the senior, and what he normally do is what the sister will follow.

l was happy when he said he will be sharing his things with her sister and that he wants to be my friend.

when we lived our life in a way that we do not jumped to conclusions of things, especially, when lt ls about some little issues, we will always make good decisions, therefore l am showing thoughtfulness because I listened before l judge.

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