Some practices to keep me grounded.


There are a whole lot of reasons for one to get worried and stressed out. With all the issues and happenings going on in different countries, we feel so sober and get so tense, looking for how to go about it. Issues like inflation, trying to meet up with life's demands, finding what works for one, wanting to feel motivated and productive at the end of the day, death of loved ones, sickness, family responsibilities, chaos, etc. These and many more are enough reasons to keep us insane and wanting to throw ourselves down because we feel we can't cope again.

Many times, I have wished to go back to being a child so that I could escape from these responsibilities lurking around me. There are times I wouldn't sleep at night but to keep thinking of different ways to make it, have money to go on a long trip, enjoy myself and forget anything about who I am. There was a time I told my siblings that I need some time, I need to block everyone and go to a place with my phone switched off, so I can escape for a while from unending bills that keeps rolling in. It's just like I am tired of life, but committing suicide will never be an option.


This is life. Things will not click for us every time. There are moments we would fail, but the better it is for us to stand up and try again. I love the quote Ben Carson's mother gave to him while watching his movie — Gifted Hands. This movie is also a novel that I have read for a long time and I enjoyed the movie so much. The mother said, "Even if you fail, at least you did something". This is so true. Whatever the case may be, we still need to take some rest while strategising on how to do it again, but this time, with lessons we have learned from our past mistakes.

"I don't need to worry anymore", this was what I told myself again last week when I have a lot of things burdening my mind. The best is to take things easy and slowly while understanding that as long as I am a child of God, He will always come through for me. One of the things I practice to stay grounded is to go for a walk outside.



I have always been an introvert for years and staying in my cocoon is one way to feel peace and escape from disturbances from other people. I have been indoors since two days ago without anyone disturbing me as I focus on my work, and when it's evening, I take a walk around the house just to feel nature, watching different people walking and gisting with one another. Many times, when I just stay outside, I look up in the sky with me playing with my phone and taking different shots. I smile when people pass by and crack some jokes among themselves. I get ideas when I see trees and flowers dancing when the winds toss them from right to left. It always amazes me to know that we can learn a lot from nature, birds flying up in the sky, the cool weather in the sky and so on.


After some minutes of doing this. I go inside and play some music on my phone. Many times, I will dance so hard alone in the room with the phrase "Let me enjoy this life. I cannot kill myself". With this, I feel encouraged and dance away my sorrow, pain and worry. The last thing is typing anything that comes to my mind. Since I love writing, it makes me feel good to drop down many ideas and thoughts in my mind while waiting to get them published on Hive.

These are just the practices that keep me grounded when I feel so stressed, weak and discouraged.

This is my entry to the Thoughtful Daily Post Monthly Prompt and also a collaboration with the Dreemport challenge. Introducing my partner to you, @abdul-qudus as we journey together throughout the month.

All images are mine and taken with my Samsung Galaxy A14

Thanks for your time on my blog.


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