A Troubleshooter .:. Exploring the Purpose of Our Life 🌟

I was procrastinating writing this post for a while, but it's time to do it... This post is my reply to the Life Talk Live Challenge, started by @acgalarza, where he is trying to guide us to find our secret formula for happier life! The topic is "easy", Exploring the Purpose of Our Life 🌟, and probably because it is so "easy" I was trying to figure out how to respond to the challenge...

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What was my issue with the question: "What is the purpose of (my) life?"... As I liked philosophy in school, I know that many smarter people than me tried to answer the question about the "meaning of life" and nobody found the "one size that fits them all"... We had some tryouts in the pop culture too, like in the book/movie The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where the "super-computer" answered... 😃


So, all that demotivated me to write a post as I connected the word "purpose" with the "meaning", but I suppose that @acgalarza was thinking about something else in this case... That's why I asked him in the Ecency Discord Life Talk Live show that he runs every Wednesday to give an example... From his answer I made a U-turn in the thinking about this question, re-formulating it to "Where is the place of my piece of a puzzle?"... Or, What is my dedication, my vocation that I have picked?

Now, that I'm "simplified" the question, I found another problem... Thinking back, I got aware that I didn't know what I wanted to do for a long time... I mean a specific job or a profession... I was jealous of people who knew from their early days what they wanted to be... My wife knew from the age of 6 that she wanted to be a pianist! I was changing my profession now and then... And I'm still doing it!

But, there was one point in my life when I got an answer to my "purpose", and it was almost spontaneous... I was preparing to migrate to NZ and I was taking additional English lessons to "perfect" my language skills as much as possible... When we came to the stage to translate my skills into English, we hit a barrier... I finished Secondary school as an IT technician, but I went to the university as an IT Teacher/Professor... As I had some other skills that I learned in the meantime my English teacher found a perfect word to describe them all... I'm a troubleshooter! 😃

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I like challenges and I like to fix things... Also, I like to help others to solve their problems... On one side, I am introverted, but on the other side, I'm very happy when I meet new people, and even more happy when I really get to know someone... I suppose that I lack the right English word, but "to meet" can be just a shallow friendship, but I like to know people better... Only then, it is possible to make a connection and help someone...

An additional benefit of helping others is that I almost always, learn something new about myself in the process! It sometimes takes time, but the most important is to reach the goal... The irony of all this is that I was hesitant to do this challenge and I'm declaring myself a "problem solver"... 😃

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Discovering HIVE was something that got in line with my nature... Yes it is a social media platform and I'm an introvert, but that was just another challenge to take, to OWN IT! I came for a game, but stayed for the people, stayed because of this great community and people that I met here! I was searching for some time for my purpose here, in the same way as I was doing for my life, and in one moment, it just clicked...

Every post, every comment, and every interaction that I make on this platform has to have meaning to someone (and for myself too)... No wasting time, it is about adding value to others and to the platform itself... Is it a too big bite to take? I don't think so... Every person is different and we have to look at them as individuals and try to understand their motives, and their nature, and if we do that, EVERY interaction will be unique, and valuable!

In a certain way, giving (dedicating) YOUR TIME to someone else (to read a post, to write a comment), is EMPOWERING them! And we need that in these times when people are lost, sometimes unhopeful, stressed, worried...

I'm not sure if I have missed the topic, but it's not an easy one... What is Your purpose in life? Check out the post by @acgalarza and take this challenge... He shared some tips in the post on how to find the answer to that question...

Thank you for your time,


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