I recently became a husband and I have been enjoying all the perks that come with it. My wife has been amazing and we are currently having our honeymoon (a great way to start the year). Nevertheless, something happened yesterday that got me thinking deeper about my role as a husband (and a potential father in the coming years).

So we were having a conversation about something I did (wrong), and I was a bit defensive. I halted the conversation because I could not process the things she was telling me. After my little tantrum, my conscience was pricked and I asked myself: is this how you want to lead your household?

I am a Christian who believes in Christian values and one of the major responsibilities given to a man is to guide and protect his home, wife and kids. As a matter of fact, there is a part in the Bible that equates a man who cannot take care of his home to an infidel. This goes to show how much value the Bible places on the male figure and his duty to his household.

Now, most men equate care to finance. Being able to provide financially for the people you care about is a privilege and duty, however, it is just the tip of the iceberg. "Caring" for one's family also entails considering their emotional well-being. To achieve this a man needs not only to be emotionally stable but also intelligent. He must be able to regulate his emotions even in times of crisis because he will always give account to what happens in his home.

So it dawned on me once more, that I am now a husband and potentially a father and that comes with certain responsibilities. To achieve my goal of being an amazing husband/father, I need to act better; regulate my emotions better and set better examples for my kids and a safe space for my wife, and that entails being the bigger person all the time.

I am not trying to put any pressure on anyone or myself, however, I think there is a high moral standard I must uphold to enjoy the benefits of a happy home. If I act with empathy and care, those who follow me will do so with ease. That was my epiphany yesterday, and I am sharing this hoping it helps something. Cheers!

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