The presents of the path (ENG/ESP)


How many awesome moments worthy of our gratitude happen day by day and we don't realize it?

Thinking about this, I remembered the night that leads me to write this post.


The other day I went out with my boyfriend.
We rode our bikes for a while and stopped at a food truck fair. Between passion fruit drinks and stories of the last few days, I perceived a very intense light in the corner of my eye and even though it was 9 pm, I thought it was the sun getting ready to come out from behind the mountain.

I was very confused because it was the middle of the night; I wrinkled my eyebrows and my boyfriend, confused, turned around to find out what was going on.

It was the full moon!

But not just any full moon, I think it was one of the most intense and gigantic full moons I have ever seen in my life.

Round, yellow and very bright.


I thought it was kind of pitiful that those who were closest to it could not look up from their phones to see it right in front of them.

It had been too long since I had seen the moon in that way and I felt very happy that night, to the point that I am here relating that moment that can easily go unnoticed.

We were sitting in the perfect spot, at the perfect angle to appreciate the moon in all its roundness, and I felt very grateful that we could have easily missed it, since there are so many buildings in the area.

We were spellbound. It was impressive how it rose in the sky from behind the mountain and could illuminate the entire nighttime gloom. I was able to photograph, in an improvised way with my cell phone camera, the progression of its rapid ascent through the sky and in the meantime, we were moved by its intense light that resembled something similar to a night sun.

Some time ago I read, in a saga of those dystopian novels for teenagers, something that has stayed with me to this day:

Gifts are not necessarily deserved (that's why they are gifts).

And sometimes the path gives us gifts or presents that we are stubborn, blind or ignorant enough not to see.

The moon that literally made our night on that occasion was definitely a present of the path that I'm glad I was attentive enough to receive.



¿Cuántos momentos impresionantes y dignos de nuestra gratitud suceden día a día y no nos damos cuenta?
Pensando en esto, recordé la noche que me lleva a redactar este post.


El otro día salí con mi novio.
Anduvimos un rato en bici y paramos en una feria de camiones de comida. Entre bebidas de parchita e historias de los últimos días, percibí por la esquina de mi ojo una luz muy intensa, tanto que, a pesar de que eran las 9 de la noche, pensé que era el sol que se preparaba para salir desde detrás de la montaña.

Me quedé muy confundida porque era plena noche; arrugué el entrecejo y mi novio, extrañado, volteó para saber qué pasaba.

¡Era la luna llena!

Pero no cualquier luna llena, creo que de las lunas llenas más intensas y gigantes que he visto en mi vida.

Redondita, amarilla y brillantísima.


Me parecía algo lastimoso que quienes estaban más cerca, no lograban alzar la mirada de sus teléfonos para verla justo frente a ellos.

Tenía demasiado tiempo sin contemplar la luna de esa manera y me sentí muy dichosa esa noche, al punto de que estoy aquí relatando ese momento que pudo fácilmente haber pasado desapercibido.

Nosotros estábamos sentados en el lugar perfecto, en el ángulo perfecto para apreciar la luna en toda su redondez, y me sentí muy agradecida porque fácilmente pudimos no haberla visto, ya que hay muchos edificios en la zona.

Nos quedamos embelesados. Era impresionante cómo se alzaba en el cielo desde detrás de la montaña y podía iluminar toda la penumbra nocturna. Pude fotografiar, de manera improvisada con la cámara de mi celular, la progresión de su ascenso rápido por el cielo y, entretanto, nos quedábamos conmovidos por su luz intensa que asemejaban a algo parecido a un sol nocturno.

Hace un tiempo leí, en una saga de esas novelas distópicas para adolescentes, algo que a día de hoy me acompaña:

Los regalos no necesariamente son merecidos (por eso son regalos).

Y a veces el camino nos da regalos con los que somos lo suficientemente tercos, ciegos o ignorantes como para no verlos.

La luna que literalmente nos hizo la noche en esa oportunidad, fue definitivamente un regalo del camino que me alegra haber sido lo suficientemente atenta como para recibirlo.


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