You Gotta Be

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Its been two days I havent write anything here. Its a tiring day because we need to be early to the hospital with my mom. The first day of her treatment , my cousin send us over. Woke up around 7am and reached the hospital around 8:45am. My mom appointment was at 10am.


Since its her first treatment for radiotherapy, they need to do the CT simulation for the second time just to check the spot where she was mark. After that we have to wait for about one hour plus for her turn to be in the treatment room. I waited outside the waiting chair. I remembered I havent had my breakfast yet, Im a bit hungry,so I went to grab something at the cafeteria.


Around 12noon or nearly 1pm, my mom finished her 1st radiotherapy treatment. She said she's hungry. She told us that the place was so cold. But its only took her nearly 45minutes to finish. She said within 3 days, the treatment gonna be about 45minutes per-day only.

We went back with my cousin.and I was not feeling well, maybe because I didnt get enough rest. So we plan to order through Grab Food Delivery. My cousin suggest us for a Japanese Cuisine this time.
Im okay with the selection, but I didnt know my mom wasn't keen on the Japanese food. Lol. She's more into Korean food. So she didn't had much.

But the special story for today is about this song. Ive been hearing this song repeatlly on the radio and at the hospital cafeteria. Its by Des'Res, tittle of song You Gotta Be .
I don't why until now its ringing in my ears. Somehow the lyrics struck me.

Here is some of the lyrics that capture my attention,

Listen as your day unfolds
Challenge what the future holds
Try and keep your head up to the sky
Lovers, they may cause you tears
Go ahead, release your fears
Stand up and be counted
Don't be ashamed to cry

You gotta be
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day. (Lyrics By Des'Res)

I learned something from the song. No matter how bad the situation is, if we put love in everything we do, it might helps. Even if I'm tired, but looking at my mom and remembering her sacrifice and loves towards me, I feel blessed. It makes me feel good to be on her sides through her journey fighting for cancer. She's one strong woman that inspired me. She's one of the reason I am strong to deal with all the obstacles that happened in my life until today.

For all the heartache, lies and deceitful I had been facing, my mom is always there to give me a reasonable advice. She said, the best way to heal the broken heart is to get rid of the responsible person who cause the pain, and let it out of your circle for good. Do not hope anything anymore from the person and without hesitation then only you can fresh start with a brand new segment of life.

So, I gotta be bad,
I gotta be bold,
I gotta be wiser,
I gotta be hard,
I gotta be tough,
I gotta be stronger,
I gotta be cool,
I gotta be calm,
I gotta stay together,
Des'ree said in her song, LOVE WILL SAVE THE DAY
My mother loves will always save the day!!!

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