My Rules For Living

APhoto by Egor Komarov:

There's this saying I love a lot "You're the architect of your life nobody is coming to save you"

That's one saying that I always say whenever I wake up in the morning. It reminds me of the need to work hard to make my life better because if I don't, then absolutely nobody will do that for me.

"Life" Whenever I think of that word, I think of a journey that comes with many ups and downs. Only we have the power to make decisions that could make us or mar us. And as such there are several rules I give myself to make sure I remember who I am, where I'm from and where I am heading.

Rules that I try that keep me on track to make sure I live a purposeful and fulfilled life.

  1. Don't follow the crowd, do what works for you:
    Growing up, I always heard the saying: 'What's good for the goose might not be good for the gander'. That said, I find it similar to 'one man's food is another man's poison'.

Every day before making decisions on things that concern me, I try to remember this rule. It helps me keep my head intact to what's best for me. I strongly believe that just because something works for others doesn't mean it will work for me. That everyone compromises with the core values of life just to survive doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. And seriously, this rule has kept me walking on that path that feels safer not just for me but for everyone around me.

  1. Find happiness in the little you have but don't be relaxed:

For now, I know that I'm not where I want to be financially. But I make sure to find happiness in what I have at the moment no matter the pressure from the world. I try so much not to believe everything I see on social media because I've come to realise that social media is one of those places where we see things that pressure us to be like others. Sometimes we see these things and forget how far we've come. So I try to consume less social media and live in the present, being happy with what I have and still fighting to make it better.

Seriously, I feel like this rule is what has been keeping me sane in an already insane world.

  1. Love:

This greatest commandment of all is what I try to keep at the back of my mind every day, every time.

Love not just yourself but the people around you. Show love, make love, live love, and immerse yourself in it. Trust me this peace of mind comes with it. It's refreshing, it's uplifting, it's relaxing and rewarding.

I try my best to keep these three rules close to my heart. And I can boldly tell you that it has done a whole lot of positive things to my life.

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