The friendship I had to walk away from


The friendship was already bound to end. It's hard when you think of someone as your friend but the other person want to take things to another level even when you're not ready!

This is what happened between me and my friend, I always considered him my brother. We've known each other for like 7 years and we always talk, share and have fun! Visiting our house was his favorite thing to do, my mom knew him so well and so did everyone in my family, he was like part of our family...

But unfortunately for him, he decided to ruin our friendship by taking a step that was uncalled for. He wanted us to start dating and even when I told him I wasn't ready thay maybe we should continue just as friends, he didn't stop. He kept pushing and even tried to force himself on me, that was when I knew that the friendship is not going to work anymore, he had literally crossed his limit.

All my efforts to explain to him that I wasn't ready for all of that was in vain, he didn't care about how I felt, he only wanted his own selfish desires to be fulfilled. That's not what I expected from a friend.

When I finally made the decision, it was liberating yet bittersweet. I warned him not to come to our house anymore and since he has decided to ruin our beautiful friendship so be it. While my friend did not take it well, I knew it was the right choice.

In the aftermath, I focused on self-care and rebuilding my emotional strength. I focused on the hobbies and passions that had taken a backseat. Most importantly, I learned the value of setting healthy boundaries in all my relationships.

Walking away from that friendship taught me that self-preservation is not selfish; it's necessary. Friendships should uplift and nourish both parties, not drain one to the point of breaking. I came to understand that true friends respect your feelings and support you!


This is my response to the the #thoughtfuldailypost prompts. If you would love to participate, I leave the link below for you:

Have you had to walk away from a friendship to preserve your inner peace?

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