The best advice I received


Advice is like a guiding light that helps us face life's challenges, it is a treasure trove of wisdom and experiences shared by others to help one learn and grow. Everyone needs advice some time in their life and a it takes a person who loves you to give you good advice for life!

My advice often comes from my mom, and the people I consider my friends. I have received a lot of advice from my older friends and they've kept me going in the right direction. I'll share with you one of the best advice I've ever received from an elder. She said to me: You have a lot of talent, don't waste it, Use your life to serve Jehovah God and you'll never regret it. You'll see how happy your life will turn out to be

Yes, this was the best advice for me because really I've only experienced joy since I've applied the advice. The advice is not about being overrighteous or showing that we have reverential fear.
Serving Jehovah God means a lot for me. It means serving in ways that brings blessings. It means heeding all the counsels found in God's word, and the Bible has a lot of advice installed.

It warns about the heartache that comes from following worldly standards, warns against immorality that leads to heartache, deceit that crushes another person, lies that takes away trust, stealing that breaks another's heart and means of livelihood, wayward life that leads to shame and disgrace.

I make sure to obey the golden rule: "Whatever you want men to do for you, do same for them" (Matt 7:12). This simple golden rule has helped to think deeply about what I do and how it will affect the next person, is it something I'll be happy when another person does it to me? If it won't make me happy then I avoid doing the same thing to another person.

The advice from my friend has saved me from a lot of heartache. And has helped me to make good decisions in situations of life. Decisions that have shaped my life for the good. I have learnt to be content with what I have, to always look out for the interest of others.

I understand that Unselfish love is very important and helping others is a valuable thing. Being with people who have the same goals, and who serve the same God and know the same things you know is amazing, at least they'll understand what you need and not try to get you to do things that are not in line with your values.

It's easier to face the pressures and tribulations of life when you know there's a God cares, who loves you and there's a real hope for the future. A future where Hatred and injustice will not be there, A future where everyone lives in peace and harmony with one another, a future free from fear and a future of assured happiness. This sure hope for the future has kept me going.


I'm forever grateful for the advice I received from my friend, it is truly an invaluable one. All my life revolves around that advice.
And I'm so glad to share it here, it's a really good advice to who it may concern!

*This is the my response to the #thoughtfuldailypost prompt and below is the link to participate:

Thoughtful-thursday prompt 5

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