Sometimes, troubles weigh us down that we want to give up

July 26, 2024
Hello friends.

I have been inactive again for a few weeks. I got too busy at work. Also, I've been looking for additional ways to earn.

Sadly, my earnings from the articles I posted online are far from enough to cover my expenses.
Gone were the days, that one article could earn about $20 in tips. There was a time when I earned more than $200 in a month. That was once easily achieved in readcash. Some even earned more than that.

Ever since the Random Rewarder stopped dropping tips, however, my online earnings have dropped significantly.

I tried several other platforms, but I can hardly get $2 on the average for each post. Even HIVE, I can hardly earn $15 a month.

Full Time Teaching Job

Last year, I decided to take a full-time teaching job just to get a regular pay. However, it's not enough. And there are lots of paper works that I am not good at.

Sometimes, I thought of going back to my old IT administration job that I used to have. But I'm not happy there.

To say it bluntly, I feel I regret working as a full-timer again. I'm thinking of going back as a freelancer or start a business again. But I don't have the resources to do so. It's quite discouraging for me, so to speak.


Then when I opened my Bible App this morning, this is what I read.

"Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong."
1 Corinthians 16:13

This inspired me to ask an AI to generate an image. This is what I got.

I guess, the message is, whatever I am going through right now, I have to stand firm in faith, for this soon will pass.

Thank You for Reading.

*Image Credit: Originally generated using Ideogram AI, edited using Canva.

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