Life Goes On!

August 28, 2024
I had another challenging day at work yesterday. Since last week we were having trouble with our Internet connection. I thought it was our Internet provider. Then again, I wasn't really sure.
When the Internet Provider tech support came, we were able to point out the problem to a couple of old network switches.
Those things were there even before I started teaching there again in 2017.
Earlier yesterday, I thought I'd do a little more checking. To prove that those ancient things are the cause of the problem. But another problem arises from a separate segment of the network.

I won't go through the technical details of the problems and how I solved it.
The point is, I learned something new from that... those problems.
Yeah problems are there to teach us and help us grow.
Life goes on. As Robert Frost puts it...

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." — Robert Frost

Good Morning and thanks for reading.

Date Posted: August 28, 2024.

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