"Life teaches us lessons in many ways, but one interesting fact is that despite how many of us have the opportunity to learn, only a few people really end up learning from it. We often just want to stick to what we already know or don't care to listen. We basically wake up every day with the mindset of doing what we want, what gives us joy, and what makes us happy, without caring whether it's okay to do so. Well, what matters most to us is the fact that we are happy, at least. We sometimes get too engrossed in doing what we derive joy from and end up not learning anything from life and from those around us.

For most of my life, it has been a challenge for me to understand why someone smiles, as I felt I should focus more on myself and let every other person find their own way. I was scared of the responsibility that comes with caring for people, and the more I thought about it, the more I gave myself a reason to care only for myself. Caring for people was a challenge for me, and it took me a while to realize that. Well, I did realize that I was lacking in that aspect, and I knew I needed to adjust it somehow.

Although I was happy, there was a part of me that told me I was doing the wrong thing, but I kept suppressing those thoughts because I just wanted to please myself after all. But then, at some point, I decided to put others on the same level as myself, and I realized how much better I felt. Well, there are still days when I feel like it would be better to just care about what makes me happy without thinking of others. But then, it was one of the best decisions I've made for myself so far - to start caring for others.

Life is like a flower; at one moment, it's all beautiful and rosy, but it's only a matter of time before it withers away! If we care too much about what makes us happy, we might lose our essence of living. As humans, no matter how good you are at something, there is still a part of you that will always feel unsatisfied. I believe we are all here to serve - for me, I believe I'm here to serve God and then humanity, even while seeking the best for myself too. We all deserve the best, and having the opportunity to be the reason someone gets the best out of life should be something we are proud of."

The images used are mine

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