The Enemy With My Blood In Her Vein

The enemy with my blood in her vein was the first thought that came to my mind after seeing the prompt topic of thoughtful daily community. The reason why I chose this topic is because there is this young lady whom I thought was my enemy, but she has the same blood as mine running through her vein. She's no other person than my little sister (Ifeoluwa, meaning Love of God).

Many years ago, my sister and I really hated each other while growing up because she was loved by my parents, and I always seemed to have done something wrong when I corrected her for her misdeed. Sometimes I'll beat the living hell out of her when my parents aren't around, and when they get back, they'll beat the heavenly angels out of me. I always feel like they chose her over me, so I promised never to help her when she gets in trouble.

One of the reasons my sister and I always end up fighting is because she has no respect for me; she talks to me like she talks to her mate, and in my family tradition, respect for the elderly is paramount. Anytime I report her to my parents, they will tap her on the wrists and ask me to forget it all, but when I discipline her for her insults, they tend to beat me.

One thing I have come to understand is that, no matter how bad siblings fight, a single act of love can make them forget all your wrongdoings because "blood is thicker than water."

Not like my sister did some kind of good act. I always promise myself never to come to her rescue when she gets into trouble, and I decided to stand by those words, but I guess I made fake promises to myself when a boy ran to our home to give me a report of a boy beating my sister down the street.

Tobi rushed into the sitting room that day when I was watching one of my favourite cartoons (Ben 10), saying, "Brother Tiolu, Joshua slapped Ife and threw her on the floor."

What!! He did what?! To who?!

I forgot the cartoon I was watching and took heel to where my sister was. I got there and I saw my sister on the floor crying, and it was then that I lost all sense of reasoning. My blood boiled immediately, and I threw Joshua on the floor. We were having a rough fight when Pastor Nath came by to separate us.

After asking what went wrong, I discovered my sister had insulted him, which made him hit her. "Is that why you slapped her? Never in your life slap my sister again. Just come and report to me, and I'll beat her myself," was what I was screaming as I took my little beautiful sister home.

Currently, we are best friends. Always sending me her pictures, making sure we talk each day. Truly, blood is thicker than water.

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