How do you want to present yourself?

If you're presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything. -Katy Perry

Do we really need to live in a culture where looks matter? Are we exactly where we want to be? Or still, want to be somewhere else? Do we have to change for the good of others or for the good of ourselves?

Simple questions, yet, seemingly hard to answer. And it's understandable because most of us chose to live our lives to satisfy other people's expectations rather than be ourselves. We tend to focus on what other people might think about us and so we live in fear of being disliked, and uncertain of what we should look like. Thus, unknowingly, we are depriving ourselves of the very basic definition of life's happiness, contentment, and success.

A happy and contented life should not be confined to what others might think of us. Success should not be measured by how much do we have and how other people look at us. Rather, it is how we know ourselves and how we project ourselves, how we want to show the world who we are.

If we try to look around us, we can see nature in its simplicity yet, majestic and elegant. Pity you, if the only thing that you can see is its beauty. For everything around us are lessons, and stories being told in silence by the winds that only a few among us can appreciate. And that goes the same with us no matter how old you are.


Not everyone can see the beauty that we are inside. What they only see is the outside appearance that we show them. An appearance that most of the time is just for us to fit in the box. An appearance that is expected by society to see. We dress according to the standards that society set. An unwritten style rules out there defined what we are supposed to wear based on the set of cultural norms and expectations, and in order to fit in, we need to satisfy those rules.

But do we really have to follow those style rules to fit in? Do we really have to fit in in order to be happy? Or are we breaking off with styles and living the way we wanted to live?

Do you really know who you are inside? Have you tried to answer the question "Who am I? and how do you want to show up to the world? Can you see and celebrate your own beauty?

There is this inside-out-congruency that I learned in one of the videos that I watched. It says that inside-out congruency can never be defined by any box, or cultural norms, and expectations that are designed by somebody else. It is a style that only matches your inside and out, the unique you.

That is why it is important for you to know who you really are, for you to dress up that matches who you are inside and out and not just what the people around you expect you to wear. Because if we really try to fit in or squeeze ourselves into those boxes it will hinder us from being happy, and mind you, those boxes out there are endless.

And if you really want to know where to find that inside-out congruency. Start looking inside you, not the exhausted you, not the worn-out you, not the stressed you, but start looking at the real you, the essence of you.

“There is a place in you that has never been wounded where there is still a sureness in you, where there is a seamlessness in you, and where there is a confidence and tranquility in you.” - John O’Donohue, poet and philosopher

That is where you should look because there is somewhere in you that is still untouched.

And if you wonder where you will find that answer to the question, "Who am I?" Try to connect to that part of you and define it. That is where you'll find the answer.


Then go to your closet and only choose the clothes that can connect you to who you really are, and present yourself to the world with confidence and joy of who you really are. That is also when you can celebrate your own beauty. And that is where your confidence will come from.

That is how I want to dress up. That is how I wanna show up to the world. How about you?


And if you've come this far... I hope that I was able to entertain you and made you smile... and for that Thank you.

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“Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion, and respect to your own journey.” —S. McNutt

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