The Unorthodox Science of Vision (Part 1/2)

Dr. Wayne Pharr's work inspired me to investigate the vision system's mechanism and role in man's life. Initially, this was supposed to be an article on the recently discovered effects of sugar on cognition; however, unexpected information reached my desk, and I'm keen to share it for the benefit of the community.

When discussing vision, we don't refer to eyesight, a mere recognition of the visual input, but rather to comprehension and interpretation of received visual information.

No man has 20/20 vision, says Dr. Pharr, because, unlike eyesight, we can't measure it. A man can be legally blind and still be a great visionary. Where are visions formed? What is the point of their origin? We'll have to tackle the basics of mind science to answer that question. For the sake of simplicity, let's divide the human brain into two hemispheres, even though the organ has various "departments," each serving its purpose. The left hemisphere, or the analytical mind, is our computing power, designed and wired for mathematics and logic. The analytical mind differs significantly from the right hemisphere, or the emotional and creative mind. That's where all forms of art and breakthroughs in technology come from. The left brain hears the words "I love you," but the right brain gives them meaning. The emotional mind projects and interprets the experience. Without it, we'd be like breathing robots.

The public fool system teaches students to engage only their logical minds while learning. We're programmed to use the least effective method, and that is learning by repetition: @emstone/subliminal-learning-reawakening-the-genius

Here comes the kicker: after the age of six, 87% of learning occurs through the visual system, 6% through the auditory system, and the remaining 7% through touch, smell, and taste. The photographic memory is an instrument of the emotional mind. As with every other body part, it weakens if inactive or fed improperly. By the age of twenty, most students entirely lose this ability. Pause for a moment to contemplate the emotional instability of modern-day youth.

According to Harvard Medical School, there are 100 trillion connectors in the human brain, 80% of which interrelate to the visual system.

I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes. - Psalms 101:3 (KJV)

The visual system is continuously programmed. Inputs such as nutrition, colors, memories, words, and environment are determining factors in establishing paradigms. Programmers used to say, Garbage in, garbage out. A person exposed to poverty becomes adapted to it on a deeper, subconscious level. What difference does it make? 👇🏻

For as he thinks in his heart (deeper mind), so is he. - Proverbs 23:7

According to Dr. Pharr, these are the most common causes of visual dysfunction:

  • Poor attitude

  • Improper diet

  • Improper breathing and poor air quality

  • A lack of full-spectrum light

  • Improper posture (Did you know that facial asymmetry is the number one symptom of a tilted pelvic floor?)

  • Head and neck injuries

  • Emotional stress and grief

  • Toxic environment and poisoning

  • Birthing injuries

The most common symptoms of an impaired vision system are:

  • Difficulty with night driving and poor night vision

  • Difficulty remembering things

  • Decreased peripheral vision

  • Poor eye-hand coordination

  • Oversensitivity to sunlight

  • Color blindness and poor color recognition

  • Blurred vision or double vision

  • Crossing eyes

  • Skipping eye (Try performing the circuitry eye movement. If the motion isn't smooth but the eyes skip certain areas, that's a symptom of an impaired vision system.)

Nutrition and Its Role in Maintaining a Healthy Visual System

A couple of days ago, I recommended the keto diet to my YouTube subscribers. One man insisted that sugar in small amounts wouldn't do us harm. The brain indeed uses glucose, but only if there are no ketones. Sugar reduces blood flow and inhibits oxygen delivery; hence, it starves brain cells, causing lower IQ and leading to type III diabetes called Alzheimer's. Our bodies produce all the glucose they need. There's no need for any subsequent intake of sugar, period.

Dr. Pharr shared scientific evidence, proving that only four teaspoons of sugar (approximately one glass of Coca-Cola) reduces reading speed by 40%. Comprehension drops by 1.62 grade levels, and students need 25% more time to copy the information from the blackboard. The degradation in mental acuity is noticeable for 48 hours!

The second part of this message will be all about colors and their effects on the endocrine system. Until then, remember that everything is intertwined and everything matters. Bad company, a polluted and impoverished environment, and unhealthy dietary habits compromise human mental and physical health in every way.

Picture by: Pixabay

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