What is right and what is fair

We are in a time where we complain a lot, more than anything, because it seems that there are quite a few things to complain about.

Complaining can be very good in some moments when we see that due to some specific action we are unfairly harmed. But what is unfair or not, sometimes depends on the point of view of who looks and also sometimes, we exceed the quota of complaints turning it into a simple habit, not very positive. What we should practice more is the art of demanding, but demanding with property, that is, it is about complaining but with arguments and reasons. And we should also be able to do it in the most effective way possible, by whom it touches and by the appropriate means based on the specific situation.

In the end, as everything in life is in its proper measure, you don't have to go overboard, but don't fall short either. That is usually the main problem, there are those who take it very seriously, dedicating themselves practically only to complaints and protests, but in many cases it tends to tend to destructive rather than constructive results. And then there is the vast majority who allow, who leave, even if they think otherwise to themselves, in their day-to-day lives, in the end they do nothing, not even when they could do something. Other times the passivity lies in the paralyzing fear of the consequences or simply in the thoughts "about what they will say". Or just it is not worth it.

What if we all used at least the few tools that are in our hands? Many times we complain about being defenseless, but sometimes we also do not do much to know how we can defend ourselves, what ways there are, which ones could be more effective. We are still more of the type to regret injustices in the bar, to see them, comment and let them pass...

For example, there are those who claim different conditioning factors, including money of course. Or if we think about the workplace, it is true that it can be complex because there is a dependency and in general a disparity of forces and bargaining power. But in general we must reflect on our position of habitual indifference (if it does not affect us directly, we already wait for others to do something). We must reflect in the most objective way possible, we consider what is fair and what is not, what can affect not one but all of us, what will harm us today or perhaps tomorrow.
Image source (Pixabay)

We know that we have rights, that is what they have always told us, right? But do we think how much they have cost to get? Do we know that they can be taken from us the first time, almost without realizing it? Are we aware of what to do if that happens? What's more, will we just let that happen like that? Do we accept and conform? Or do we believe it is ok like this?

Slavery is never as successful as when the slave is convinced that it is for his own good. - Aristotle

It is also true that we talk more about rights than obligations, but it is also true that we fulfill more obligations and each time we exercise fewer rights, or we are less aware that having or being holders of rights in theory is not the same as exercising them in practice.

It is not about going out with torches in a destructive way, as unfortunately we have been able to see, but about acting in a firm, dignified and intelligent way, making use of all the ways that we have available and that in general, we do not know. That is, we lack knowledge of everything we can do, of the power we have, especially in union with many others. We may lack perseverance, tenacity, and integrity. But when we do our best, we should therefore be entitled to demand what is legally or rather what is humanly ours. Perhaps a good review should be made on what Natural Law is compared to the predominant and preeminent Positive Law in our system and societies.

It is true that in many difficult moments, we must have a lot of courage and security to do that, which we should do for justice, because the uncertainty and the power of others or the little hope can be scaring. But if everything continues like this we know that in the long run we could lose and regret it a lot, for that reason, perhaps for things to change, we should all change first...

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