Get inspired

The weekend is finally coming. And many times we complain about not having time for ourselves, but what do we do? when do we do this or that? We could take advantage of those moments to be inspired...

When weekend arrives, or a bank holiday, or summertime, or Christmas days just around the corner, we find ourselves with days off and many hours at our disposal that, sometimes, inexplicably fill up with other commitments, pending tasks, errands or more spontaneous obligations that arise or that we impose on ourselves. Sometimes we end up more tired or stressed than ever, wishing for some extra time to rest, or a vacation from that free moments.

On those days off (at any time we have had time for ourselves), it was not only about being able to take a nap, spending 5 hours on a crowded beach yelling at the child to throw the ball, frequenting the usual bar with friends or the new restaurant on the neighborhood, sitting on the sofa to watch series, going non-stop shopping, visiting relatives or partying... Going to the family village, to another city to visit a museum, a concert or just changing air and scenario. Now we can make some plans.

And there are other activities that are still there. For example, taking care that the children are entertained, taking the dog out, tidying the messy closet, helping the friend who asks you for something, watering the neighbor's plants, taking the opportunity to get some work done or to prepare for an exam … ufff, in the end fully busy free moments can be also stressing!

Well, it can't be, time is gold, they won't give it back to us, therefore it is something that we must appreciate and know how to give it value, although it doesn't mean having to do thousands of things every second. It is about knowing how to invest your time in yourself, setting your limit and respecting at least a few hours or minutes a day, the time you have decided to give yourself. Because that "dead time" that we are lucky to have, is what can make us feel alive, relaxed and more inspired. Today more than ever that is important.

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Both in summer, but also possible in winter it is very pleasant to go for a walk along the seashore, by a river or any beautiful green area, thinking about each step you are taking, what you are stepping on, observing every detail around you, hear the waves of the sea and try to abstract yourself from the rest, look closely at the movement of the sea, stop thinking about those things that come and go. You have time and your hours are different hours now, sit down for a day to watch the sunrise or sunset, breathe and contemplate, nothing more.


Use that time to do something nice, not something useful just because it is useful, but something useful because it makes you feel good, because you like it.

  • You can buy some seasonal seeds and start planting or buy plants to take care of, whisper and watch them grow, or you can do a beauty treatment or learn yoga because it will do your body good. Stretch whenever you can.

  • You can read everything that you could not read and that you love, leave yourself a specific reading time, that is your moment, read a lot. You can listen to your favorite music while you close your eyes, daydream and rest by swinging in your hammock or on your favorite chair with the blanket. Forget everything around.

  • You can also learn to play the guitar or practice if you have forgotten, look at the starry sky and release your fingers. You can sew, knit, buy clay and make a jug or an ashtray, or finish puzzles that become paintings or start painting, with a few colors any feeling is transformed into a marine, still life or abstract painting, you decide. Just focus on it. Set your talent free.

  • You can study something you always wanted, or learn, improve or review a language, read about history, archeology or science, change something in the decoration of your house, or you can try to make a paella or a cake. Follow just your intuition in that moment.

  • You can immerse yourself in cinema, mythical films, learn to play chess, or visit a museum, try to discover what is captured there, get informed and you will understand much more than you thought. Take an online course on something, or just meditation. Stop thinking for a while.

  • You can spend some time with friends in a restaurant or on a terrace, to tell jokes or other interesting things, enjoy the gastronomy and the company. And go get some air, take a walk in an area that you don't frequent that much. Let yourself be surprised by new things.

If you have to change plans, make others, don't let your time slip away if you don't want to, show yourself that you're still here, alive and vibrant, you'll surely discover something new that makes you think differently and look further. Maybe you will find something that you didn't think, maybe you'll end up getting to know yourself better or reinvent yourself.

In short, get inspired, look for your moment of daily reverie. Find the art that suggests you, the beauty that fills you, the sound that evokes you or the smell that feeds you... your soul. Be what you are, rediscover yourself. Breathe, inspire and be inspired, because inspiration is doing what you really want. You can choose what to do or what not to do, but remember to enjoy.

"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." John Lennon

Thanks for reading. Have an inspiring weekend!


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