Thoughtful prompt

Hello all. I am a new user and a new member. I have been around for a few days and there are so many communities here which has caused a sense of confusion in me as to where to write and share my thoughts.

I was thinking about thoughts and found this community. The prompt looks very interesting to me and I want to share my bit with you all. Lets get to it.

Well, my parents are not educated. They belonged to a very simple background. They did not have much to offer to me growing up financially. However, they did give me so many lessons and moral grounds to thrive and survive in life. They have always made me aware of the mistakes that they had made.

One of the major moral that I have learned from them is clinging to hope. They have told me the importance of perseverance and humility. They have always been so patient as I have observed them growing up. They are the ones who recognized my potential in my studies. My father invested all his life earnings on me without a stretch mark on his forehead. This taught me about trusting oneself and ones own decisions. Today, I am a doctor aspiring to establish my own clinic and soon I shall be employed in a reputable hospital. All because of my parents and the confidence that they had on me.

Further, I have always been grateful for the things that I have. I am pretty sure that I have inherited this from my mother. Her gratitude for the things that she had made me value the things that I have today. Yes, being grateful for everything is an essential part of my upbringing. We all inherit and learn so many different things from our parents and we ought to cling to those values and morals.

Thanks for reading. The pictures and thoughts are my own.

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