Headphones On, World Off

Hello dear friends. The Devil is back with another story. Everytime I come to you people I try to bring real time stories or something that connect you with your daily life and emotions. Because that will help you out to bring the hidden words which I cherish to listen. Those words would be epic and I can add some more information with it. These conversation will go more and in the end, we all will be benefited with it. So what's my today’s connective story? Any guesses? Well, let me tell you. It’s the story of our beloved friend 'Headphone'. There is the smile on your face. The true and important friend of our life is headphone. It is connected with our emotions and moods. So, fasten your seat belts as I'm going to take you to this ultimate journey. Give me a hell yeah.


If you ask me then I must say that headphones are more than my friends. I know most of you will disagree but the fact is it remains with us in our emotional stages. Be a happy mood or sadness, in joyous party or heart break situation, it gives the best companion goals. On a long tour or even in short time travel, we put it in our bag or pocket to ensure our pleasant journey. We know that we will need it.
I am a great fond of music and my emotional states, whether it is anger, sadness or hilarious one are connected with music. But I prefer music world in my own space & headphones are the only option for it. It makes my own concert where I play whatever I want & enjoy.


From the day when people started using walkman to now, when we use smartphones, the demand and impact of headphone remained same. I can say that the demand raised the bar. Why it is so important? Because it is our companion which helps us to create our zone and we feel comfortable with us. Beside, it secures our privacy and gives us a narrow escape from our near ones. Headphones play a vital role in human life. This simplistic material has engaged us in diplomatic universe. Do you know that the sound technology has upgraded the quality? People are enjoying more smooth music with it. We must agree that music has a deep impression on us. All feel it that way. Music heals the pain and also entertains us. To enjoy it perfectly we need the headphone.


For me, a day without my headphone and music is impossible to pass away. I always have that in my pocket because I know that I would need that to enjoy my moments. There are different types of headphones. People are using airbuds nowadays. It is simple to use and works on charging. The back up system technology has improved the user experience. People are using more easier and comfortable devices and bluetooth devices as well as airbuds. Public craze is that. Beside it’s easy to carry and there is no tensions of getting tangled which happens while using a regular headphone.


Hey I almost forget to ask. Who feels angry when the headphone tangled? Dude, I'm that person. Really that's the worst thing to solve. I don’t have that patience. Most of my headphones were damaged because of my anger. Don't ask the reason. The history itself is the witness of millions of headphones tearing apart because of the tangling issue by the users. Have you done this too? Let me know dear. But for now, it's time to say good bye as I need some relaxation while putting in the headphone in the ears. Relaxation vibes is on and I will enjoy deep calm relaxing background music. Headphones are actually true friend. Now you can put the phone aside & plugin the music mania. Hold the companion with you. This is the story of headphones. I hope you like it. Now my headphone is on, dear world is off.

  • All the pictures here are clicked by me.

Thanks for being with me. The Devil is happy.


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