Morning Thoughts: Contemplating Our LEAST Favorite Things in Life

Thursday April 27th, 2023

Once again, we have "morning thoughts" in the evening because there's just no time for anything. Besides, I don't get up early...



Of Favorite Things

It's interesting how often we end up on the topic of "our favorite things," whether it's chatting with our partners, or friends, or even filling out questionnaires.

Our least favorite things are seldom talked about. Maybe because they are just not something we like to think about.

Somebody recently asked me what my least favorite thing in life might be ... and after thinking about it for quite a while I came to the conclusion that what I least like is "to be in a hurry."

In fact I hate being in a hurry and I hate feeling rushed.

"Hate" might sound like a strong word, but that's as close to the truth as I can get.


I Like Puttering, Slowly...

Thinking about it a little bit further, I am perhaps the "master of puttering around slowly" and I'm one of those strange people who would rather spend 15 hours doing something at my own pace while still completing the job at hand rather than spending 8 hours rushing through it at a breakneck pace after which I'm thoroughly as exhausted and disgusted with the whole process.

All just so I can "go to happy hour," or something such. Yes, that's a stab back towards my time in the IT industry.

Admittedly, part of my reticence is also the result of not liking to be part of doing a half-assed job, just in service of expediency.


The Whole "Being Busy" Thing...

Come to think of it, I don't even like being busy very much.

That's not to say that I'm outright lazy or anything, nor suggesting that I don't get things done. I just don't like having a lot of stuff on my plate that I feel like has to be done.

Feels just too much like an "obligation" to me and perhaps that's one of the other things I like least in life: feeling obligated.

Yes, I'm perfectly well aware that you can't skate through life without obligations, but they are something I want the freedom to take on voluntarily, not something to have foisted on me by others, or even by circumstances.


On Being a "Productive Sloth"

Does it all make me a bit "slothly," in the eyes of the greater world?

I suppose many of life's "busy beavers" would argue so, and I have previously written about how moving slowly has often been the bane of my existence, as well as a reason I often didn't advance very much in whatever field I was working.

Today, I worked a good seven hours straight in our yard, getting things ready for the summer. I did so rather slowly, but at the end of the day I got a lot done, and the yard looks good.

And isn't that really the point of undertaking something; anything?

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Created at 2023-04-27 22:42 PST


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