Coming up Blank: Craven or not

Blank, A simple word, its features not grotesque but plain for all, yet it comes up now and then in many a place.

One would loathe the word when unable to provide an adequate answer for a question or enjoy the thrill of it when playing war games causing sounds to emanate where metal was to scoot.

Nevertheless, it isn’t happenstance that we all have to come to parley with the word at every crossroads of life or even before.

Image by Nik

Ideas are seldom like the wind on a silent sea and come by at no notice, so it would be time-wasting to sit and cause while the lack of winds for the sails lingers.

While the sea may possess winds of immense power, naught can be done when it goes quiet except for the hopeful eyes of the sailors awaiting the ribbons to soar again.

Is it a lack of wit for a person to come up blank at the crossroads of life? or does the person seem a coward not having any solution to offer? What is the difference we might ask between not having a readily available solution and shying away from one?

Our world moves at an even faster pace than it did centuries before, and so conclusions are made at the wisps of the barest notion gotten.

Little wonder people are taken for craven or for having a lack of wits when they come up blank. What should be done to that, I dare say I have the answers, but I don’t sadly it falls on the person passing through that phase to figure out a way.

People have ended pursuits of objects simply because they came up blank at a crossroads. A simple ‘what should I do now could lead to panic and draw the curtains on an idea or prospect that stood alone like the midday sun.

Never forgetting the bad advice that comes as a result of coming up blank, perhaps if there had been a readily available solution several wrong steps would not have been taken in the first place.

Coming up Blank or being indecisive can lead to failure as George Canning put it.

Indecision and delays are the parents of failure - George Canning

However, we seem to put it coming up blank is dangerous as failure is but even so a lesson is to be learned at each crossroads of life and so the fear of failure is the fear of more failure.

Hence, is it more fearful to come up blank than to come up with an idea that screams foolhardy? Most will say take the bulls by the horn, but even with a red cape, it’s often difficult to help in some situations when caught off guard, such as getting horned.

Craven or not being indecisive even if it lingers only a while will happen to us all and in that brief pause fate would be put close to our reach once more, the question is what do we do? That I think makes the difference.

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