Energise and Empower

As a leader of a team, I often sit back and reflect to see how I can do better to get better results. I see my biggest task as a team leader in helping the team achieve more.

To achieve more, the team need to feel energised and empowered.

Energise my team

The best way to energise the team is to have a vision that the team can buy into. This is what we want to achieve as a team. This is the vision of how we will operate. The vision has to be captivating and it has to be simple enough for the team to have a common understanding of what it means. Simplicity is key.

The team can't read your mind. So you need to paint a picture with examples if necessary. Bring the vision to life.

The team also need to realise how their individual contributions help them team to achieve their goals and objectives. They will then feel valued because it bring purpose to their work.

The leader has to believe and show energy towards the vision. They need passion. If the leader doesn't care then the team won't either.

Empower my team

When the team are empowered they feel trusted to do their tasks themselves and will put their heart into it. Don't micromanage - no one likes it. Give enough room so that the team members can own their contribution within safe operating boundaries.

Support the team to grow. Let the team unleash their full potential. Never shut down their suggestions or contribution. Listen to their opinions. As a manager or leader you don't need to win every argument with the team. Listen to them.

Give the team responsibilities and then help and challenge them to excel. Help them to be better than they have ever been.

Find the balance

If you energise your team without empowering them - they are likely to feel frustrated that they cannot achieve what they want.

If you empower your team without energising them - they are likely to feel overwhelmed with all the responsibility you have pushed on to them.

The key is to find the balance.

Image source: Pexels

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