Americans Finally Using Religion to Win Presidential Elections?

Obviously this observation is coming from someone outside the US. With the recent news on the Trump assassination attempt, I've finally succumbed to look at what's up with the US election. Well, it's not looking good.

The viral 2017 social media posted image of Donald Trump embraced by Jesus. | (image source)

Finally, USA Has Figured It Out: Religion + Candidate for Government Position = Win

Catholic countries (like ours) always have people complaining about and mentioning to keep the church and state separate but now look at "big daddy" America. Whoa. 😂 I mean, I never thought I'd see the day when American news would be like this.

Christians are all of a sudden fighting it all out for a presidential seat! I mean, really? Who'd have thought it would be a "battle of Christian denominations" to be a president in the US now? I didn't bother checking when Biden won, but now with all the circus news even in America, it's not something to be happy about.

Dragging God In to Win an Election is Just Wrong

Because of this recent development in election news, it's somehow disappointing seeing what's been happening. This made me check on what's up with religion and the US presidency.

image source

Apparently there's only been 2 Catholic presidents ever in US history: John F. Kennedy (JFK) and Joe Biden. Unfortunately one is way better than the other. I mean, of course I had to do a little bit of online checking. Nothing in depth or whatever, just to see what's up with Catholicism and the US government.

I know America is more of a Christian country, full of all sorts of Protestants. Doesn't matter to me because we don't live there but heck still sad they brought many Christian denominations to our country.

Anyway, I saw an online History article where it says JFK didn't use religion to win as president. That's great! Old news is still good news when I read it. 😆

And then I checked on an online article by National Catholic Register where it compared Biden and JFK in terms of Catholicism. Well obviously I saw two very different Catholics. From what little I've seen, Biden used religion to win but he's not living the faith that much at all.

Trump vs. Biden = Protestantism vs. Catholicism?

I dunno why it has suddenly come to this in America. The way I see it, it's turning into a battle of Christian denominations. 😂 (Here I thought it only happened in our country.) But I mean, seriously? From what little I've been reading, Biden isn't exactly the poster child of devout Catholicism.

It would be better if the media didn't make this into a Christian circus. I mean, please, I don't think it's a good idea to drag God wrongly into a dirty human fight. What's religion suddenly got to do with being elected as president? All this mudslinging on who is sinning against which of the 10 Commandments. Calling on God on one candidate only so he will be protected. Really now? It's like people are finally clamoring for a unification of church and state! Whoa, I never thought I'd see such thinking in America.

Biden vs. Trump | (image source)

It's Funny How People Are Now Making the US Presidency All About Christianity

Of course I wasn't alive yet when JFK was the head of state in the USA. Don't wanna get into much deeper muck to find out if he was a practicing Catholic and all that. But based on what I've read lately and prior to being a renewed Catholic, people are still saying he's one of the best US presidents. (Perhaps he can be the poster child for Catholicism in government eh? Summady tell me if he was or not. Haha.)

The fact that Biden wasn't "endorsed" by the US bishops is evidence that this shouldn't be about religion. However Christian faith leaders are all over Trump now more than ever after the failed assassination. They're all making it seem like he's the "savior" the country needs.

Makes me scratch my head because I cannot believe this is America now. We see Trump publicly declaring and wanting to bring back Christianity in their country. Whoa. I used to think it's a liberal country but now suddenly social media and news outlets are posting about Christian people preferring Trump as presidential candidate. I guess America is a "secret" religious country after all?

Well hey during the 70's I didn't even know there was a Christian revival until I watched Jesus Revolution. We all thought America was just the land of sex, drugs and rock and roll until that film came out. Never knew about such a thing happening until last year.

There's Something Wrong With All This Christian Hullaballoo in the US Presidential Election

That's really the gist of what I can say about it. It's like people are using God for their own selfish reasons. That's not how this works guys. Jesus didn't say be selective of His teachings and choose which ones we only agree with. That's not how we should live our life of faith.

If the USA wants a national leader who is a true follower of Jesus Christ, that's not Trump nor Biden. Yeah for some the problem is in choosing the lesser evil, well then don't make the presidency all about religion! I'm not saying it's wrong to ask God's protection for a candidate but we the spectators are seeing the wrong signals.

All this religious election ruckus just reminds me of FBI-wanted Christian Pastor Quiboloy who keeps declaring he's the "appointed son of God". Oh boy, the world is really turning upside down.


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Written by @artgirl for Hive
© Art x Stephanie Rue / Lucy Stephanie

@artgirl is a freelance writer/blogger/artist, online seller and real estate agent.

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