Prompt #18 (Kindness): The Greatest Is Love

Flock of Sheep and Shepherd

A simple act of kindness is the most beautiful action in humanity that the world truly needs.

Kindness is connected with love, and it reminds me of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love is the emotion that human feels.

When love enters, a person will reach out their hands in kindness and care for helping someone in need.

Earlier, when I was scrolling on Youtube, I saw a brief touching video of a little girl and a bus driver in China.

The little girl entered the bus, realizing that she doesn't have enough money to pay on the payment box; the little girl turned around to leave, but the bus driver noticed her concern and stopped her. He asked her what was wrong.

The little girl faced him, and she told him that she doesn't have enough money to go home, so the bus driver decided to stand up and put his money on the payment box for her.

When they arrived at her destination, before the little girl went out of the bus, she stood in front of the bus driver, and she began to explain while holding a red pen.

She told him what her teacher taught her. When a friend helps someone, they will be given a little red flower.

The little girl drew him on the back of his hand with a flower.

There was another scenario. This time was one of my longtime friends from high school and my churchmates. She told me how amazing God's provision is. She shared a wonderful testimony with me.

Back when my friend's financial situation was rough, she grumbled her problems to God with her family's financial situation, and she asked His guidance to her.

One day when she was attending a church meeting. God instructed her to stand in a specific place at the church, and He told her to wait patiently.

Thirty minutes passed; she followed His instruction, and she was getting worried and impatient.

When she was thinking to leave, one of the sisters in the church arrived, and she approached my friend.

She gave my friend the specific large amount of money that my friend needed.

This testimony of my friend was struck to me for many years.

How great and amazing our God is!

There are many testimonies and stories I have to share. Because of a time constraint, I'll finish this blog after writing my conclusion.

Remember my introduction to this blog that kindness is intertwined with love?

The greatest act of kindness and love that is deeply engraved on me and humanity is how Jesus was crucified on the cross for us.

The reason why He did that was to do the Father's will and His great love for us. It is through God's mercy and kindness that He gave us a choice to get out of damnation.

Without Jesus being crucified on the cross, our souls would not be saved.

That's why God encouraged us to love one another like He did for us.

Without loving one another, the hearts of humanity will go colder and crueler.

Through love and kindness, we help one another until we can stand on our own two feet.

After that, the cycle continues. This time, it will be us helping with someone in need.

Note: I described earlier calling one of the sisters. It doesn't mean she was a nun because we don't have one at my church. In my church, we called everyone brothers and sisters.

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