Leadership is an act that is learned. It is not something that when you get there, you know how to go about it. You will be doing so already at the expense of your responsibility in that position. To discharge your duties effectively in any given position, you must be prepared ahead of it. But unfortunately, most people are not prepared for leadership.


Preparation for leadership is not because you are planning to run for an election. You prepare for leadership because as a human, you must lead in one place or the other.

As a man, you will become the leader of your family someday. In your church, school, or workplace, you will be given a leadership role someday, no matter how little. As you age, you will become the leader of your kinsmen one day. Or you may have the opportunity to serve your local government, state, or country. So leadership positions are inevitable in life. But the question is, how are you prepared for these opportunities?

Is is sad to note that the majority are not even prepared for it. Leadership failure at all levels is the major cause of the problems we face in our society today.

Those children causing the social vices on the street today were once under the leadership of a father, mother, or guardian. The responsibility of the parents at a younger age of these children is to guide them on the right path in life. To teach them the dos and don'ts. To teach them to respect the sanctity of human life, to not take what is not theirs, to respect other people's opinions, and to do unto others what they would want others to do unto them.


If every parent successfully delivers this leadership role, I believe that we will have a better society. But unknowingly to many of these parents, they don't notice the bad changes in their kids on time till it's already uncontrollable.

Those we refer to as bad eggs in society were once innocent babies and kids. But the question is, at what point did they get it wrong? At what point did these innocent lovely kids turn to something else even beyond the control of their parents? That point is the point at which the parents or guardians failed in their parenting responsibility to this child.

At that very first instance when a child has learned a new teaching or is under the bad influence of friends, social media, society, etc, a good parent is supposed to detect it and correct it immediately before it develops into something else.

Another leadership failure that constitutes a big problem in our society is political leadership failure Some individuals were well-trained by their parents up till adulthood. But the frustrations of bad governance, poverty, no employment, and no hope may sway these persons from the path that their parents set for them.

However, I still trace this back to family leadership failure because if a child has a very strong foundation of morals, no amount of societal pressure or frustration will push that person into doing any bad thing. The truth is that everyone faces one life challenge or the other. So facing some difficulties is not an excuse to do evil.


So also we have leadership failures in almost all fields of life. This is because people don't prepare themselves ahead of these opportunities. A father or mother is the number one leader in the home, and when he/she fails, the home fails as well.

Most times you see people complaining bitterly about political leaders whereas, the little position they have in their workplace, family, or church, they are not even doing any better. We only see those in Government as leaders. But the truth is that all of us are leaders at different levels.

Therefore, in conclusion, to make the world a better place, we all must devote time to learning leadership. Read books on leadership, attend training, talks, seminars, etc leadership. Even as a father or mother, it is important to learn your leadership roles in your family.

By so doing, we will all function effectively in any leadership position given to us, whether big or small. Together, we will make the world a better place for all of us through effective leadership at all levels!


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