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The book of life

“To every question I have ever had, or ever will have, you are the answer.”
― Deborah Harkness, The Book of Life

Hey guys

Thought of the day says that life is more like a book and different phases of our life are engraved in this book as different chapters. The different thing here is we skip chapters in books but we don't get that option here in this case. We are supposed to read or should I say read those chapters no matter what. The renowned phrase can be put here that if you have a bad day, its just a bad day, you still have a life which can be made better.
There are times when we wish to skip certain days and move to next phase of our lives but that's not how life works. We have to go through every chapter of our life and learn whatever is offered to us.


Some of the chapters will make us cry like kids and some chapters will make us feel like hell while others will make us high on life. All we can do in this regard is to learn and grow as individuals and keep going. Don't let the pages end. Remember every page is a new opportunity and its up to you, how well you write your story.

Ps. The pictures are mine.
Thanks for all the love and support.

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