Recuerdo de entrenamiento junto a una amiga 馃挭馃徎鉂わ笍 [ESP 馃嚜馃嚘 - ENG 馃嚭馃嚫]

Hola a todos amigos de SWC espero que se encuentren muy bien en el dia de hoy, en esta ocasi贸n vengo a traerles unas fotograf铆as de un peque帽o recuerdo de entrenamiento en el parque metropolitano, en el cual varias fotos y tomas de videos las hizo una amiga m铆a la cual fue a visitarme un rato a mi casa y de ah铆 fuimos a entrenar al parque, como me sent铆a super ligero y fuerte pues me puse a hacer varios combos de front junto a hefesto, luego me puse a hacer distintos tipos de b谩sicos como las dominadas, paralelas, flexiones en lean planche, muscle ups, y distintos tipos de b谩sicos, a lo largo del entreno tambi茅n me divert铆 mucho pues me puse a conversar mucho con mi amiga y al mismo tiempo tambi茅n iba entrenandola y dandole buenos consejos que le ayudar铆an bastante en el mundo de la calistenia ya que ella tiene una muy buena fuerza base que la ha ayudado mucho en los ejercicios que le he colocado y bueno ya hoy en d铆a le ha ido super bien, ya despu茅s del entrenamiento la verdad que quede s煤per hinchado y agotado, luego de eso fui a su casa y ella me hizo unos masajes como fisioterapeuta profesional que es ella y me relaje al m谩ximo para el proximo entreno y volver m谩s fuerte que nunca, luego de su casa me fui a la m铆a trotando aproximadamente unos 20 minutos, suficientes para aprovechar el cardio y relajar m谩s el cuerpo y mente, me gusto mucho el entrenamiento y espero vuelva a repetirse 馃檶馃徎鉂わ笍

Bueno amigos de SWC esto ha sido todo por hoy y nos veremos en un pr贸ximo post!

Hello to all SWC friends I hope you are doing very well today, this time I come to bring you some photographs of a small training memory in the metropolitan park, in which several photos and videos were taken by a friend of mine who came to visit me for a while at my house and from there we went to train at the park, as I felt super light and strong I started to do several front combos with Hefesto, then I started to do different types of basics such as pull-ups, parallel bars, lean planche push-ups, muscle ups, and different types of basics, throughout the training I also had a lot of fun because I started to talk a lot with my friend and at the same time I was also training her and giving her good advice that would help her a lot in the world of calisthenics since she has a very good base strength that has helped her a lot in the exercises that I have given her and well today she has done super well, after the training the truth is that I was super swollen and exhausted, after that I went to her house and she gave me some massages like a professional physiotherapist that she is and I relaxed as much as possible for the next training and to come back stronger than ever, after her house I went to mine jogging for approximately 20 minutes, enough to take advantage of the cardio and relax the body and mind more, I really liked the training and I hope to repeat it 馃檶馃徎鉂わ笍

Well SWC friends, that's all for today and we'll see you in a next post!

Herramientas de edici贸n y Producci贸n
Editing and Production Tools
Traductor: DeepL
Translator: DeepL
Dispositivos: Redmi note 7
Devices: Redmi note 7


Nos vemos en una pr贸xima publicaci贸n, gracias por tu visita a mi blog!
See you in a future post, thanks for your visit to my blog!

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