馃Entrenamiento suave para recuperaci贸n馃攱 [ESP馃嚮馃嚜|ENG馃嚭馃嚥]


Entrenamiento de front lever [ESP-ENG]

front lever training [ESP-ENG]


Un saludo amigos y amigas de #Hive y #SWC. Espero se encuentren muy bien. El d铆a de hoy quiero compartir con ustedes algunas fotograf铆as de mi entrenamiento de front lever, un entrenamiento de muy baja intensidad que realice esta ma帽ana aca en mi casa. Hoy tuve que haber seguido mi rutina normal de front lever pero no me sent铆a muy bien f铆sicamente y ten铆a muchos dolores musculares debido a los entrenamientos anteriores es por eso que hoy decid铆 hacer un entrenamiento un poco m谩s suave para as铆 poder recuperarme mejor para retomar mi rutina con normalidad. Durante la rutina me fui sintiendo un tanto pesado y con much铆sima fatiga acumulada, pero siento que tom茅 la decisi贸n correcta al hacer una simple rutina de activaci贸n.

Greetings friends of #Hive and #SWC. I hope you are very well. Today I want to share with you some photographs of my front lever training, a very low intensity training that I did this morning here at my house. Today I should have followed my normal front lever routine but I wasn't feeling very well physically and I had a lot of muscle pain due to the previous workouts, that's why today I decided to do a slightly gentler workout so I could recover better to resume my routine. normally. During the routine I felt a little heavy and had a lot of accumulated fatigue, but I feel like I made the right decision by doing a simple activation routine.

En cuanto a la rutina empec茅 con 2 series de aguantes cortos de front lever, donde pude realizar 4 segundos de forma estricta de front lever, mi segundo ejercicio fueron presses de tuck adv, realice unas 3 series de 4 repeticiones d贸nde para ser un ejercicio b谩sico me cost贸 bastante. Como tercer ejercicio realice dominadas de tuck adv, aqu铆 solamente realice 2 series de 5 repeticiones, ac谩 durante la ejecuci贸n del ejercicio me sent铆a bien pero al bajarme de la barra sent铆a mucha congesti贸n en mi espalda. Luego realice front lever raises en la progresion one leg haciendo 3 series de 4 repeticiones. Y por 煤ltimo realice 2 series de 3 negativas de half front lever. La rutina fue bastante corta y no tan intensa, esto para ayudar a mi recuperaci贸n para los pr贸ximos entrenamientos. De momento me preocupare por comer la suficiente prote铆na para una mayor y r谩pida recuperaci贸n.

As for the routine, I started with 2 sets of short front lever holds, where I was able to perform 4 seconds of strict front lever form, my second exercise was adv tuck presses, I performed about 3 sets of 4 repetitions where to be a basic exercise It cost me a lot. As a third exercise, perform adv tuck pull-ups, here I only performed 2 sets of 5 repetitions, here during the execution of the exercise I felt good but when I got off the bar I felt a lot of congestion in my back. Then perform front lever raises in the one leg progression doing 3 sets of 4 repetitions. And finally, perform 2 sets of 3 half front lever negatives. The routine was quite short and not so intense, this to help my recovery for the next training sessions. For now I will worry about eating enough protein for a greater and faster recovery.


Gracias amigos lectores, nos vemos en una pr贸xima publicaci贸n

Thank you reader friends, see you in a future post



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