Proverbs 30: 24-26
24 Four things are among the smallest on earth,
And they are wiser than the wise:
25 The ants, not strong people,
And in the summer they prepare their food;
King James Version


When God speaks to his people, he chooses any example, whether material or natural, to show us some important teachings for our lives.
For example, in these quoted verses we can see that the Lord speaks to us through the ants, the ants have a wisdom and a very special knowledge that if the human being and the whole world used it were a much more powerful generation because the union makes the force

The wisdom that ants have if the people of God implemented it in their daily life would be a much more effective people against darkness and against present adversities

This reflection gives us a great lesson about preparing for life. If we know that bad times are coming, we have to visualize and prepare the barns. Prepare our house for our family so that life does not surprise us.
In this case the ants are wiser because in summertime they have all their food stored and sometimes we also have to use this method to prepare for everything that comes because they are difficult times and the signs of the end are principles of pain which should prepare us for everything that comes

The Lord speaks to us through the ants because the ants have a very small knowledge that cannot be compared with that of humanity, however they have a knowledge that they work united for a purpose and in a single feeling they find their purpose because they always they do it working together for a cause and they will never be defeated

Proverbs 6: 6-8
6 Go to the ant, you lazy one,
Look at their ways, and be wise;
7 Which having no captain,
Neither governor nor sir,
8 Prepare your food in the summer,
And it collects its maintenance at harvest time.
King James Version


The ants do not have a captain or governors, that is, it does not depend on anyone who directs them, as in our case, we have God, who is our captain, our guide, who trains us and provides us, and even so we do not watch for the bad day.

In the acts of the apostles in the early church we find an example similar to this: the brothers worked with one mind in one spirit, no one worked on their own, they had everything in common, and therefore they worked together, there was a revival and there were so many manifestations of the holy spirit of God since there is power in agreement

We must learn from the ants that without having captains or governors they prepare their food in summer so that when winter comes they will not perish for food
Today is a call to union to the purpose of God in our lives. Let's look at the times and watch for all circumstances with wisdom and direction from God.

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