Mi Semana Santa 2024 en el Fundo. 2° parte. [ES | EN]


Hola mis amigos y seguimos con mis dias de Semana Santa 2da parte, que fueron los dias Viernes y Sabado Santos, espero que hallan leido la primera parte, sino aqui les dejo el enlace @zhanavic69/mi-semana-santa-2024-en-el-fundo-1-parte-es-or-en


Hoy fue un dia fresco en el amanecer, pero a la vez de triste recuerdo, porque un dia como este 29 de marzo de hace años, fallecio mi abuelita, que era mas que eso, era como mi mama, de hecho la llamaba Mama Vina, ya que se llamaba Eduvina, murio a causa de que no le funcionaban sus riñones y le hacian dialisis, hay Semanas Santas que no le cae en su fecha, este año si.


Y la vida sigue pero con los recuerdos, asi que ya mi mama en la cocina, yo me fui a bañar, luego le ayude con el desayuno, llame a mis hijos, cuando se lavaron y cepillaron los espere para desayunar, en eso llego mi hermano el bordon, a pasar este dia, pero se iba el mismo dia, tenia que trabajar el sabado, llego con su pareja.


Despues del desayuno llego Norka la pollera, con unos clientes, los que querian pollos vivos y ellos los matarian en casa, suena feo pero es asi, luego pesaria y mataria otros que son encargos entre ellos el mio y unos que encargaron unos vecinos.


Menos mal que Norka tenia ayuda de su hermana que es mi cuñada y de una cuñada de ambas ellas, porque no es nada facil. Mi hermano ayudaba a mi otro hermano a limpiar de maleza la siembra de yuca, mi otra cuñada, pareja de este ayudaba a mi mama en la cocina, yo aproveche de lavar ropita ya que hay abundante agua y yo llevo mi jabon.

Mi hija trajo las mascotas unos morrocoicitos, que siempre los traemos, pero no se pueden soltar sino se pierden, pero los saca a comer hierba, les baña para que tomen agua, son tremendos.


LLego la hora de almorzar, me gustan esos momentos de la familia ciando estamos todos o casi todos, porque faltaron dos hermanos, pero sabemos que estan bien y eso nos hace sentir felices, pero ya queremos que regresen. Despues de almorzar, nos fuimos debajo de la mata de aguacate a reposar y ahi seguian las mujeres con los pollos.


Y se fue mi hermano, llego la noche, despues de la cena que la hizo mi hija, me di un baño de nuevo, ya perdi la cuenta, me puse a ver television con mi mama.


Despues de un dia bendecido a dormir, que el sabado seria otra historia.

Cuando estoy en el fundo las noches se hacen largas, no me pasa solo a mi lo dijo mi otra cuñada, esta vez mi mama se quedo dormida, esta bien no se para que se levanta tan tenmprano, es el habito de toda una vida, desde que trabajaba como maestra creo yo.

Despues del desayune me organice con mi hijo para limpiar algo, porque este dia se le haria el cumpleaños a mi sobrina Maoly 13 años, como pasa el tiempo, mientras barriamos, llegaban mas clientes directo al gallinero, que bueno que se esta vnediendo todo asi luego traeran mas.



Cada quien en lo suyo, un sol tambien en lo suyo caliente y calor, esperando para bañarnos en la piscina del vecino, pero no seria este dia, creo que para el domingo, porque con lo de la reunion, no seria posible,

Mi cuñada y mi hermano hicieron las tortas de cumpleaños, mientras Sorangel ayudaba con la decoracion de los globos, yo tambien aporte algo, era algo sencillo pero que se viera bonito.



Ya quedo la decoracion, llegada la hora todos a bañarse, cambiarse para estar presentables, para el cumpleaños, que fueron llegando los invitados, solo primitos, que son bastantes, jugaron un buen rato, comieron pasapalos.

Y despues cantar el cumpleaños, comimos dos tipos de tortas la tradicional de vainilla y una especial de marquesa de coco, si de los cocos que tumbamos.



Y asi cumlmina esta segunda parte de la Semana Santa con mi familia, siempre feliz de pasar los dias con ellos, y que ya faltaba poco para que terminara y regresar a casa.

Mis fotos propias tomadas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A12 y camara Sony.

Contenido 100% propio y original, traducido con la aplicacion DeepL.



Hello my friends and we continue with my Holy Week days 2nd part, which were Holy Friday and Holy Saturday, I hope you have read the first part, if not here is the link @zhanavic69/my-holy-week-2024-in-the-bottom-1-part-is-or-in


Today was a cool day at dawn, but at the same time of sad memory, because a day like this March 29 years ago, my grandmother passed away, she was more than that, she was like my mom, in fact I called her Mama Vina, because her name was Eduvina, she died because her kidneys were not working and she was undergoing dialysis, there are Holy Weeks that do not fall on her date, this year yes.

And life goes on but with the memories, so my mom was already in the kitchen, I went to take a bath, then I helped her with breakfast, I called my children, when they washed and brushed themselves I waited for them to have breakfast, then my brother El bordon arrived, to spend this day, but he was leaving the same day, he had to work on Saturday, he arrived with his partner.


After breakfast Norka the pollera arrived, with some clients, those who wanted live chickens and they would kill them at home, it sounds ugly but it is like that, then she would weigh and kill others that are orders among them mine and some that were ordered by some neighbors.

Luckily Norka had help from her sister who is my sister-in-law and a sister-in-law of both of them, because it is not easy at all. My brother helped my other brother to clear the weeds from the yucca planting, my other sister-in-law, his partner helped my mom in the kitchen, I took the opportunity to wash clothes since there is plenty of water and I bring my soap.

My daughter brought the pets, some morrocoicitos, that we always bring them, but they can't be let loose or they get lost, but she takes them out to eat grass, she bathes them so they drink water, they are tremendous.


I like those moments of the family when we are all or almost all, because we missed two brothers, but we know that they are well and that makes us feel happy, but we want them to come back. After lunch, we went under the avocado tree to rest and the women were still there with the chickens.


And my brother left, the night came, after dinner that my daughter made, I took a bath again, I lost count, I started to watch TV with my mom.


After a blessed day to sleep, Saturday would be a different story.

When I'm at the farm the nights are long, it doesn't happen only to me, my other sister-in-law said it, this time my mom fell asleep, it's ok, I don't know why she gets up so early, it's the habit of a lifetime, since she worked as a teacher I think.

After breakfast I organized with my son to clean something, because this day would be the birthday of my niece Maoly 13 years old, as time goes by, while we swept, more customers came straight to the chicken coop, it's good that everything is being seen so then they will bring more.



Each one in his own, a sun also in his own hot and warm, waiting to bathe in the neighbor's pool, but it would not be this day, I think for Sunday, because with the reunion, it would not be possible,

My sister-in-law and my brother made the birthday cakes, while Sorangel helped with the balloon decorations, I also contributed something, it was something simple but it looked nice.



The decorations were ready, when the time came, everyone went to take a bath, change to be presentable, for the birthday, the guests were arriving, only the little cousins, who are quite a few, played a good time, ate snacks.

And after singing the birthday song, we ate two types of cakes, the traditional vanilla cake and a special coconut marquise cake, yes, from the coconuts that we had topped.



And so ends this second part of the Semana Santa with my family, always happy to spend the days with them, and that it was not long to finish and return home.

My own pictures taken with my Samsung Galaxy A12 cell phone and Sony camera.

100% own and original content, translated with the application DeepL.

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