Daddy how much I love you - Father's Day Initiative (ENG/ ESP)

Regalo para mi papi


Hello a pleasure to be with you in this beautiful community of Family & Friends I introduce myself to you because this is my first publication my name is Sugeily Perez and today I come to participate in the Father's Day Initiative I know it already happened, but today I come to share this nice memory that is to share with our dear fathers on Sunday June 18 I got up very early to make coffee to my dad Javier Perez, as he wakes up very, very early and at 5. 30 he is awake and as I know he wakes up to prepare a coffee as I told you I got up early and prepared him a coffee as he likes it with little sugar he likes it extremely strong.
The day before I had told him that we would make a roast and that he should stay calm, that we would prepare it for him, but he didn't really pay attention, my dad loves it, roast is his favorite food and what he loves the most is to prepare it and roast it here in my house we all know that he is the one who prepares it spectacularly, it is very well cooked, another thing he loves is the pico de gallo, in this case he let us help him.
I don't have many pictures because my dad doesn't like pictures he only let me because he insists on it the first thing he told me was not to take pictures of everything and since it's his day I listened to him although I don't understand why if he is very photogenic and beautiful my daddy
before eating we asked him to take a bath when he was in the bathroom we prepared in his bed his gifts among everything we gave him everything you see in the picture we bought him a super comfortable clothes as he likes and a watch and ready with his gift he was super happy because what he loves most is to eat roast and with that he spent a spectacular day and we were super happy to see him happy.
Thank you very much for everything.


Hola un gusto estar con ustedes en esta hermosa comunidad de Family & Friends me presento ante ustedes porque este es mi primera publicación me llamo Sugeily Perez y hoy vengo a participar en la Iniciativa del Día del Padre sé que ya paso, pero hoy vengo a compartir este lindo recuerdo que es compartir con nuestros queridos padres el día domingo 18 de junio me levante muy temprano para hacerle el café a mi papá Javier Perez, ya que él se despierta muy, pero muy temprano ya a las 5.30 está despierto y como sé que es se levanta es a prepararse un café como ya les dije me levante temprano y le prepare un café como le gusta con poca azúcar le gusta extremadamente fuerte.
El día anterior se le había comentado que haríamos un asado que se quedara tranquilo, que nosotras se lo prepararíamos, pero realmente no hizo caso, a mi papá le encanta, el asado es su comida favorita y lo que más le encanta es prepararlo y asarlo acá en mi casa todos sabemos que el es el que lo prepara espectacular le queda muy bien cocinado otra coa que le encanta es el pico de gallo en este si nos dejó ayudarlo.
No tengo muchas fotografías porque a mi papá no le gustan las fotos solo me dejo porque le insiste lo primero que me dijo que no estuviera tomando foto a todo y pues como es su día le hice caso aunque no entiendo por qué si es muy fotogénico y bello mi papi
antes de comer le pedimos que se bañara cuando él estaba en el baño preparamos en su cama sus regalos entre todo le dimos todo lo que ven en la fotografía le compramos una ropa supercómoda como él le gusta y un reloj ya listo con su regalo puesto estaba supercontento porque lo que más le encanta es comer asado y con eso pasó un día espectacular y nosotros supercontentos por verlo feliz
Muchas gracias a todo.

Traductor utilizado Deepl Translate versión gratuita
Todas las fotografías son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular Moto G22

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All pictures are my property taken with my Moto G22 cell phone.

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