Offline moments


After I published my latest post this Sunday, I went on a trip to the countryside where my friend's family lives. I had a mission; actually, two missions. To give her the clock that appeared here but the more important thing was to spend with her some days. Why not? I had some free days, my friend was looking forward to us spending a few days with her and my son went on holiday on his own. Everything was perfect for this little trip to happen.


We just arrived home, so it is kind of getting used to the normal again. Having an unlimited internet connection and time for Hive - that is now a novelty! 😁 I took my laptop on this short trip but I didn't use it at all. Do you see this landscape? It looks like exploring some different planet, the only thing is that we didn't meet aliens there. No phone or internet connection - nothing! We didn't meet almost anyone actually. Just her family, their cats, one wild hare and two partridges between the bushes.

We had the opportunity to enjoy complete silence during that Sunday afternoon, had dinner with the family of my friend and later went to the village to her place. It was a back to civilisation moment, but I was a bit tired from the hiking and went to sleep early. Monday brought some interesting adventures and other activities, mixed with episodes of fighting my migraine so once again, I went to sleep very early.


There, among these mountains, people find peace and a perfect spot to spend the hot summer days. It is not bad at all, as the breeze gives so much freshness. Also, I liked to see the fruits that were growing in the orchard, like grapes, plums, loquats, almonds, and olives. Some fruits still need time to ripen though.




The fig fruits also need some time to ripen but we did find a few to open the fig-eating season. Luck for me - as I like this fruit. Its thin, soft skin protected the reddish, sweet interior, but not for a long time. Although it rested peacefully in the palm of my hand, it disappeared a few moments after I took this photo.

Probably the fig fruit has also gone offline as it happened to me. 😉

I felt that I was missing being around Hive as I usually do... saw some posts that I want to read now and I promise to bring the adventure we went through yesterday morning {😱}, the murals I saw in the afternoon and the "time-travelling" journey from today. No more spoilers. 😋


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