Bond to be shared without blood

Some bonds are sweet as sugar and as related as blood relations. Some people just come into our lives and without any effort make it lovable more than it has ever been. Always and forever these people just tell us how beautiful life can be and how many memories can be shaped in seconds.

Being with friends is the best thing anyone could desire in my life. Blood is thicker than water but bonds are deeper than blood density. Everything has its own expiry date even if the loved one gets bored from daily routine or seeing the same person everyday fighting. Still friendships remain the same even after years of silence.

U can fight with these silly creatures over the stupidest topics but u can't remain in a cold war with ur friends they've all the right things to let u say sorry and get back as normal. Even they are souls which is not gonna stop calling u after a fight they'll call u and tell u about their madness or being upset from you. That's what friendship is, it never really stop to care or just get their steps back even if you are wrong.

After spending years of love and peace with these peaceful arms. Life gets busier, hussling around for everything, every small desire needs to take time. That's when friendship start lying behind. We start lagging intrest in everything and get tears to think of those years. Missing those days becomes a mixed feeling of happiness and the gap that they filled in the cracks.

Now, missing such love, comes an idea to reunion and reunions are incomplete without booze. Best way to call your friends is to ask them to come and join for the booze. So the night begins, till it's end all those years comes just in one night, every moment makes the memories that use to be in months. Every hour becomes a year of your life and unknowingly one loved all the happiness of all those years in just one night.

But warmth never lasts long, after the night, the nap, the dreams, here comes the morning hangover of both booze and friends, and you start to feel cold after the night of so much warmth and love. Now the night is over, hangovers get down with a warm glass of lime water. Then the reality strikes, and the flashback of being in same bed with friends comes running in front of ur eyes. Love starts enrolling down your throat straight to your heart. Tears remain unspoken to the memories.

It's said that God didn't gave us choice to choose with whom we want to blood relate but gave choice about the bonds we want to create and with whom. Friends are another world of family, when we want home friends come with open arms, when we want to share something they'll make our face smile, when we want to discuss problems solutions aren't there but laughter rings in the walls.

Break-up can be forgotten, partners cn be left, new people can come, but friends they can't be forgotten, every image of past comes with a memory of a friend, every life happening comes with home as a friend, every hardship comes with a solution called friends. Love is okay but friendship needs to remain unchanged. All those unspoken tears should be ended with a conference call from the friends.

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