Love for Christmas is the legacy of my parents | A child's smile (En-Es)

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"Memory, like a candle, shines brightest at Christmas."

(Charles Dickens)

When the month of November arrived, my mother would look at the sky and say to us:

  • Christmas is coming and to celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus - she would reply while smiling.

  • Santa came to the aid of Baby Jesus to help him with the delivery of gifts - she would say without taking her eyes off the starry sky.

Every day he didn't let us know where he was coming from:

  • He is already very close - replying: be good because he checks his list every day.

My brothers and I watched the starry sky, looking for Santa's sleigh. Believe it or not, I still look for Santa and answer in the infinite sky. I know that it is there, in the majesty of the firmament, where the answers to the four legs of the cat, the end of the story of the bald rooster and the recipe for the frog's hair. Those enigmas and mysteries that only my grandmother Bertita's knew.

OMG, it was hard for me to be calm and behave. Ha, ha, ha, ha. But the illusion kept my hope alive, even when on December 25 I would throw tantrums and look for a law firm to sue him because he never remembered or claimed that no letter arrived. As for the Three Wise Men, I never saw them at my house or in my neighborhood. Suddenly Gaspar appeared, followed by Melchior and Baltazar. They came carrying the donkey, ox, roosters, sheep and the star of Bethlehem and settled in some houses.

My home was always different, my parents did not look or act the same as those of my friends. They were special beings, radiating light, generous and reaching out to all those in need, even when they had little. I have many siblings who are not by blood, but putative, as we Venezuelans say... But love brought us together, my parents gave them shelter and wherever they are I love them and they are my brothers and sisters.

When a cousin, nephew or friends of my siblings didn't want to study or pay attention to their parents. They immediately asked Dorys and Uncle Miteño for help. They guided and graduated several who today are good people and have their own families. However, the most important thing is that they never forgot us; one more than the other, but that remains on their conscience because my parents never asked them for anything and we even less. Love is given and no retribution is asked for, nor should it be touted.

For Dad and Mom, Christmas was very meaningful, and so was the New Year's Eve celebration. It was planned, organized and we all participated in the activities. In my house, family, putative children, and friends always gathered. The neighbors were and are my family, food and desserts were exchanged all over the street.

This is how my character and lifestyle were molded, thanks to my parents, who instilled in us that the only meaning of Christmas is love, generosity and sharing, above all, with the ones we love. Today, they are physically gone, but their legacy will live on and not even time will be able to separate me from my memories.

The greatest reasons to love Christmas are my parents, and I honor their memory. I am overcome with sadness, but when I remember daddy's bad jokes and mommy saying:

-Please laugh- she would reply very seriously, it's a joke.

We would laugh at her attitude, or when mom would do or say something funny or inappropriate. They always made their hallacas, ham bread and the famous Christmas bread roll.

Friends of the #Family&friends Community, you have reminded me of those beings that I have loved so much with this nice initiative to share smiles. It should be noted that it is a duty as human beings to transmit to our children the need to support others and to be generous. Especially in these dates, where the illusion is present and with people who have less. Today I give my support to the Christmas Initiative: "Sharing smiles".

Run children... Santa is coming.

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I started my tour by helping to put up the Christmas decorations. It is a deeply rooted custom in my family. This time I collaborated with my niece Rabelys. On Saturday, from early in the morning, I invaded her house. I spent a spectacular day. First of all, I visited my friend Sol Maria and had a cup of coffee with her. Her husband was in the kitchen, according to him, he is a Chef. He prepared some delicious pasta with chicken sauce, grated white cheese and cold Pepsi cola.

Rabelys decided on red, gold and green. Her husband assembled the tree and put the red wine colored angel at the top. We did the rest; first we put up the lights, then the tights and the flowers and backdrops. My friend Sol made a bow and placed it at the top under the angel. The vases were arranged and the nativity was placed. Remember #Family&friends friends that our experiences are the only valuable thing we have stored in our minds.

Let's leave a footprint to be remembered with love and affection, let's be the light to illuminate others and help them grow. I leave you my little gift for the children, a beautiful Christmas hat and a Venezuelan aguinaldo.

In this opportunity I bring to the #Family&friends Community, the beloved Tio Simón Díaz with his aguinaldo: "El Niño Jesús Llanero”.


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Audifonos para mi Gamer favorito (14).png

In my moments of sadness and when I feel that something is missing, I evoke my home, family, happy moments and my Christmas holidays. That puts me in a positive vibe and makes me smile at life. Christmas is coming, as mommy used to say, my favorite holiday. I invite you to share and paint smiles on a child's face. To fulfill their dreams and illusions, on this special date. Let's join this beautiful initiative, promoted by the #Family&friends Community. I leave you the link in case you want to do your bit in this beautiful initiative:


Celebrate life and embrace your loved ones. It's a pleasure to see you visiting my Blog at #Hive.


"Happy, happyChristmas, the one that makes us remember the illusions of our childhood, reminds the grandfather of the joys of his youth, and transports the traveler to his fireside and home sweet home!"

(Charles Dickens)

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“El recuerdo, como una vela, brilla más en Navidad.”

(Charles Dickens)

Cuando llegaba el mes de noviembre, mi madre miraba el cielo y nos decía:

— Se acerca la Navidad y para celebrar el nacimiento del Niño Jesús — replicaba mientras sonreía,

— Santa salió en auxilio del Niño Jesús para ayudarlo con la entrega de los regalos— decía sin quitar los ojos del cielo estrellado.

Todos los días no avisaba por donde venía:

— Ya está muy cerca— replicando: pórtense bien porque el revisa todos los días su lista.

Mis hermanos y yo, veíamos el cielo estrellado, buscando el trineo de Santa. Aunque no lo crean, todavía busco a Santa y respuesta en el cielo infinito. Sé que es allí, en la majestuosidad del firmamento, donde están las respuestas a las cuatro patas del gato, al final del cuento del gallo pelón y la receta para que la rana echara pelo. Esos enigmas y misterios que solo mi abuelita Bertita’s conocía.

OMG, era difícil para mí estar tranquila y portarme. Ja, ja, ja Pero la ilusión mantenía viva mi esperanza, aun cuando los 25 de diciembre hiciera pataletas y buscaba una firma de abogados para demandarlo porque nunca se acordaba o alegaba que no llegaba carta. En cuanto a los Reyes Magos, nunca los vi por mi casa ni por mi barrio. De repente apareció Gaspar, detrás llego Melchor y Baltazar. Venían cargando la burra, buey, gallos, ovejas y la estrella de Belén y se instalaron en algunas casas.

Mi hogar siempre fue diferente, mis padres no se parecían ni actuaban igual que los de mis amigas. Eran unos seres especiales. Así fue moldeado mi carácter y estilo de vida. Soy sencilla y sin maquillajes. Para Papá y Mamá, la Navidad era muy significativa, y también la celebración del Fin de Año. Se planificaban, organizaba y todos participábamos de las actividades. En mi casa siempre se reunían la familia, hijos putativos, y amigos.

Los vecinos eran y son mi familia, se hacían intercambio de comidas y postres en toda la calle. Hoy, algunos no están físicamente, pero su legado perdura y los recuerdos. Nos inculcaron que el único sentido de la Navidad es el amor y compartir. Amigos de la Comunidad de #Family&friends, hay que destacar que hay que transmitir a nuestros hijos la necesidad de apoyar a los demás. Sobre todo en estas fechas, donde la ilusión se hace presente. Es por esta razón que doy mi apoyo a la Iniciativa Navideña: “Compartiendo sonrisas”.

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Inicie mi recorrido ayudando a poner la decoración navideña. Es una costumbre muy arraigada en mi familia. En esta oportunidad colaboré con mi sobrina Rabelys. El sábado, desde tempranas horas de la mañana, le invadí la casa. Pase un día espectacular. En primer lugar, visite a mi amiga Sol María y me tome un cafecito con ella. Su esposo le toco la cocina, según él, es un Chef. Preparo unas deliciosas pastas con salsa de pollo, con queso blanco rallado y Pepsi cola bien fría.

Rabelys se decidió por el rojo, dorado y verde. Su esposo armó el arbolito y puso en la punta el ángel de color vino tinto. Nosotras hicimos lo demás; primero colocamos las luces, después las mallas y las flores y bambalinas. Mi amiga Sol hizo un moño y se ubicó en la punta debajo del ángel. Se arreglaron los floreros y se colocó el nacimiento. Recuerden amigos de #Family&friends que nuestras vivencias es lo único valioso que tenemos almacenados en la mente.

Dejemos una huella para ser recordados con amor y cariño, seamos la luz para iluminar a otros y ayudarlos a crecer. Les dejo mi pequeño obsequio para los niños, un precioso gorro de Navidad y un aguinaldo venezolano.

En esta oportunidad traigo a la Comunidad #Family&friends, al querido Tío Simón Díaz con su aguinaldo: “El Niño Jesús Llanero” .


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Audifonos para mi Gamer favorito (15).png

En mis momentos de tristeza y cuando siento que algo me falta, evoco mi hogar, familia, los momentos felices y mis fiestas navideñas. Eso me pone a vibrar en positivo y a sonreír a la vida. Se acerca la Navidad como decía mami, mis fiestas preferidas. Los invito a compartir y a pintar sonrisas en la carita de un niño. A cumplir sus sueños e ilusiones, en esta fecha tan especial. Acompañemos en esta linda iniciativa, impulsada por la Comunidad de #Family&friends. Les dejo el link por si desean poner su granito de arena en esta linda iniciativa:


Celebren la vida y abracen a sus seres queridos. Es un placer verlos de visita por mi Blog en #Hive


“¡Feliz, felizNavidad, la que hace que nos acordemos de las ilusiones de nuestra infancia, le recuerde al abuelo las alegrías de su juventud, y le transporte al viajero a su chimenea y a su dulce hogar!”

(Charles Dickens)

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The photographs are my property and edited in CANVA.

Las fotografíaa son de mi propiedad y editadas en CANVA.

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